python csharp


This document describes EnreachAPI (formerly known as BeneAPI), a RESTful API that allows 3rd parties access Enreach systems to perform various functions. EnreachAPI serves data mapped as resources corresponding to URI paths. Client applications make HTTP requests to the API and handle the response. Request and response data can be serialized to either JSON or XML formats. The API is not dependent on any specific language or technology, so it can be used by any application capable of making HTTP requests and parsing the responses.

Note that Benemen was renamed to Enreach in 2022, and corresponding naming changes were applied to technical products and documentation as well. Some documentation and technical details (XML namespaces, domain names) may still contain Benemen references.

HTTPS requirements

HTTPS is required for all endpoints. Security configuration follows SSLabs SSL and TLS Deployment Best Practices.

All API integrations must meet following requirements for HTTPS.

TLS Protocol support

Supported TLS protocols are TLS v1.2 and TLS v1.3. As of January 20, 2022, older TLS 1.0 and 1.1 protocols are deprecated for all HTTPS services.

Secure Cipher Suites

Following cipher suites are supported. As of June 16, 2022, all older and insecure cipher suites are deprecated for all HTTPS services.

Service discovery

Example discovery using POST

Content-Type: application/json

    "user": "",

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2018 13:25:14 GMT
    "siloName": "Silo02",
    "username": "",
    "apiEndpoint": "",
    "uiEndpoint": "",
    "authority": null,
    "authorityIdPHint": null,
    "basicAuthEndpoint": "",
    "recoveryEndpoint": ""

Example discovery using GET

curl -v

> GET /api/user? HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.55.1

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
< Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
< Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2018 13:25:14 GMT
    "siloName": "Silo02",
    "username": "",
    "apiEndpoint": "",
    "uiEndpoint": "",
    "authority": null,
    "authorityIdPHint": null,
    "basicAuthEndpoint": "",
    "recoveryEndpoint": ""

Enreach provides two-layer infrastructure, where different users may be served by different backends accessed via different API addresses.

For dynamic clients providing service to any user logging in, service discovery is an important part of the overall functionality. For static integrations, targeting a single, known endpoint is acceptable. However, implementing service discovery always makes the service more robust, as manual endpoint changes can be avoided in the future.

Discovery endpoint is always for production use. Discovery application also provides a browser interface that the users can use to discover their default web interfaces. This is found at site root address, but is not relevant for integrations.

The discovery API requires a single parameter: username of the user logging in. This must be a full username, no partial matching is performed. The request can be made with either GET or POST method.

Result contains a list of endpoints where given username is found. Usually given username is found in a single endpoint only. However, if relevant for the use case, multiple endpoints should be supported so that if there are multiple results, a selection dialog is shown for the user.

If the username is not found at all, a 404 Not found response is returned.

Each individual endpoint result contains urls for both API and additionally other information for Enreach Client use, which are not relevant in API integraiton use cases. For integrations, the API endpoint is used as API root address for all actual API requests.

After endpoint result is discovered, it should be stored locally and cached for the duration of application runtime.

Request properties

When using GET, the username is passed as a query parameter.

When using POST, the username is passed in the request body as a JSON object.

Property Sample value Description
user Username to be discovered

Response properties

Property Sample value Description
siloName Silo02 Display name for the silo for any necessary user interaction
username Matched username (always the same that was queried)
apiEndpoint Actual REST API endpoint
uiEndpoint Voice Center endpoint
authority Modern authentication Authority information
authorityIdPHint Modern authentication External IdP
basicAuthEndpoint Endpoint for Basic authentication (Only classic authentication)
recoveryEndpoint Endpoint for Classic authentication password reset endpoint

Key acquisition (Classic authentication)

EnreachAPI supports two authentication models: Modern authentication and Classic authentication.

Modern authentication via Enreach Identity is OpenId Connect/OAuth2 bearer token based authnetication method. It is currently supported only for Enreach Client applications.

Classic authentication is based on SecretKey and HTTP Basic Authentication. Classic authentication is used for all external API integrations.

Each request to EnreachAPI must be authenticated (except operations where it is not possible, e.g. authentication and password recovery). The requests are authenticated with username and SecretKey, a random string acquired from backend.

There are two ways to acquire the SecretKey:

Password authentication

If there are no pre-configured credentials available, usually in cases where the actual end-user is expected to log in to the system with their own credentials, the client can perform a direct password authentication against the API using the POST /authuser/{email}/ endpoint. First, the client should collect end-user credentials and authenticate to API with. SecretKey property should be then extracted from the response and used in further communication. This is the usual way for end-user interfaces.

Off-band key delivery

Username and SecretKey can be delivered off-band directly. In this case, the related account does not have an actual password set and cannot perform the username+password authentication step described below. It is not needed either, as the SecretKey is used directly to authenticate the requests. This mechanism is mostly used for server-side integrations where a single static integration account is used.

Request authentication

Each request to EnreachAPI must be authenticated (except operations where it is not possible, e.g. authentication and password recovery). The requests are authenticated with username and SecretKey (acquisition described in [key acquisition)(#key-acquisition)]).

There are two different mechanisms that can be used to authenticate the requests. Basic authentication should be used for new development, signature-based model is supported for backwards-compatibility.

Basic authentication

string GetBasicAuthorizationHeader(string user, string key)
    var combined = user + ":" + key;
    var bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(combined);
    var base64 = System.Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);
    var headerValue = "Basic " + base64;
    var header = "Authorization: " + headerValue;
    return header;
import base64
def get_header(user, key):
    combined = user + u":" + key
    bytes = bytes(combined, "utf-8")
    b64string = base64.b64encode(bytes).decode("utf-8")
    return "Authorization: Basic " + b64string

Basic authentication is the recommended mechanism for authentication. It relies on standard Basic authentication, using SecretKey as password.

Note that due to backwards-compatibility requirements and multiple authentication mechanisms, standard WWW-Authenticate header is not returned for 401 Unauthorized responses.

Most client libraries support Basic authentication out of the box. It can be also implemented manually very simply. Example below uses username:, Secretkey: badkey

Signature-based (legacy)

import urllib2, hmac, hashlib, base64

# request is urllib2.Request
request = build_your_own_request()

# Your credentials
user = ""
key = "badkey"

msgstring = "\n".join([
        request.get_header("Content-md5", default=""),
        request.get_header("Content-type", default=""),
        request.get_header("Date", default=""),

hash =, msgstring, hashlib.sha1)
encoded = base64.b64encode(hash.digest())

headerval = base64.b64encode("%s:%s" % (user, encoded))
header = "BeneAPI %s" % headerval

request.add_header("Authorization”, header)
using System.Convert;
using System.Text;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Collections.Specialized;

public static string CalculateRequestHash(
    String httpMethod,
    String requestUri,
    NameValueCollection headers
    string signature =
        httpMethod + '\n' +
        headers.Get("Content-MD5") + '\n' +
        headers.Get("Content-Type") + '\n' +
        headers.Get("Date") + '\n' +

    HMACSHA1 hmac = new HMACSHA1(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("1234"));
    byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(signature);
    byte[] hash = hmac.ComputeHash(bytes);
    string b64hash = Convert.ToBase64String(hash);

    return b64hash;

With legacy hash calculation mechanism, clients authenticate each request by signing it with their private key. This method is fully supported for backwards-compatibility with existing clients, but for new development Basic authentication is recommended for ease of use.

Note that despite the API being renamed from BeneAPI to EnreachAPI, the legacy BeneAPI scheme is used here.

For each request, client computes a message hash with his private key. This hash is sent along with the request in Authorization header. Each request must contain an Authorization HTTP Header of format:

Authorization: BeneAPI base64encode({Username}:{Signature})

Where username is the provided username and signature is a hash calculated for each request individually. For example:

Authorization: BeneAPI dXNlci5uYW1lQHRlc3QuY29tOmFiY2QxMjM0

Hash is calculated from selected parts of the request:

The exact values of these fields are joined together with a \n (new line) character. If some header is not used in the request, an empty string is used instead in calculation. A HMAC-SHA1 hash is then calculated from the result string (UTF-8 encoded bytes) using the acquired secret key as the key.

Every request must have Date header containing current UTC time. It must be sufficiently close (a few minutes) to server time for request to be accepted. Date format should conform to RFC2616, e.g.:

Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 09:14:55 GMT

For convenience YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS GMT is also accepted, e.g.:

Date: 2015-02-11 09:14:55 GMT

Detailed sample calculation


Access to resources is authorized in with permissions related to individual entities in the system: users, service pools, directories and callback lists. Permissions are semi-static, usually defined during the integration setup phase where access credentials are created. Usually minimum permissions for the specific need are configured, e.g. allow access to availability statuses of all users in given group for an integration that displays the statuses somewhere.

Permissions are defined as combinations of a string keyword and CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) -flags. They can be specified as relations between users and/or user groups.


Example of a faulty request made without a Date header:

GET /calls HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml

Response received from server.

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Length: 96
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8

<string xmlns="">Missing Date

Standard HTTP/1.1 response codes are used to return operation status to client. The most commonly used ones are:

Code Description
200 OK Returned when request completes successfully and returns data.
400 Bad Request Returned when request is malformed and is not understood by the server. The client can usually fix this by altering input.
401 Unauthorized Returned when request is unauthorized, meaning that either the request signature was invalid or an inaccessible resource was requested
404 Not Found Returned when specified resource is not found
500 Internal server error Unexpected issues


XML and JSON serializations are supported for both request and response serialization with application/xml and application/json as the values. Standard HTTP headers are used to specify formats: Accept header requests specific response format, Content-Type header must be used to specify data format when data is sent to the API.

For new development JSON is heavily recommended format. XML is supported for compatibility with existing clients, but will be deprecated and removed at some point.

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Additionally, the API supports two JSON flavors. These are referred to as v1 ("Legacy Microsoft") and v2 (modern cross-compatible) formats.

The client requests a specific JSON version by specifying HTTP header X-Json-Serializer: 2. All new development should use the v2 format. v1 is supported for backwards-compatibility, but will be deprecated later.

The differences between the two versions relate to how different data types are handled. The differences are listed below.

Type v1 v2
Dictionary<string, string> List of Key-Value pairs
[{ "Key":"Some key", "Value":"Some value" }]
JSON object
{ "Some key": "Some value" }
TimeSpan (for backwards-compatibility) ISO8601 duration
Time string "00:01:20.0470000"

Migrating from v1 to v2 requires the following steps:

Using v2 is supported by all tested serializers out-of-the box, whereas using v1 often required customization. Usually, the migration work is just removing that customization.

Existing clients using v1 that cannot be changed to v2 should send X-Json-Serializer: 1 header with their requests to indicate they need the legacy format. This ensures they remain working once the default behavior changes from v1 to v2.

Query parameters

Objects are also serialized to query parameters in some use cases. For example when calling /calls/ with [CallFilterParameters](#callfilterparameters. In these cases the parameter object is serialized as standard query parameters with url-encoded key=value pairs representing object properties. List-type properties are represented as semicolon separated values.

For example an object like: { "StartTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00", "SomeIntValues": [1, 2] }

Would be serialized to query string as: StartTime=2018-01-01T00:00:00&SomeIntValues=1;2

XML serialization notes

Node ordering

Deserializer expects input XML nodes to be ordered alphabetically ascending by tag name. Nodes in incorrect position are left unhandled.

Valid: <Item><A>Value></A><B>ValueOfB</B></Item>

Invalid: <Item><B>ValueOfB</B><A>Value></A></Item>


Serialized List<User>

    <User />
    <User />

When an operation returns a list, the root node is named ArrayofEntityName.

Serialized list property inside a container

    <Items xmlns:a="">

When a returned entity has list-valued property, it works differently. For example, if a SomeContainerEntity has a property named Items with value type List>Guid<, it is serialized with property name as root node name and items as children.

For lists of serialized child types, namespace is serialized similarly

<Items xmlns:a="">
        <a:Name>Sample key</a:Name>
        <a:Value>Sample value</a:Value>

XML serialization is performed with property name as tag name and content as its content. Lists of items are serialized inside .

JSON serialization notes

There are some JSON serialization quirks in used .NET library. These are quite straightforward to work with, but possibly need some attention.


.NET-specific special DateTime format is used for serialization. Milliseconds since Unix epoch with an offset.

ASP.NET JSON date ISO 8601
/Date(1422850592270)/ 2015-02-02T04:16:32.270Z
/Date(1422850592270+0000)/ 2015-02-02T04:16:32.270Z
/Date(1422850592270+0300)/ 2015-02-02T07:16:32.270Z

Most deserialization implementations cannot deserialize this format to DateTime automatically, but requires manual offset handling. The format is unfortunate but maintained for backwards-compatibility.

// Sample parser using Newtonsoft Json.Net
using Newtonsoft.Json;

DateTime ParseDotNetJsonDate(string input)
    DateTimeOffset dto = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DateTimeOffset>(input);
    DateTime dt = dto.UtcDateTime + dto.Offset;
    return dt;

// Sample parser using regex
DateTime ParseDotNetJsonDate2(string input)
    var m = new Regex(@"\\\/Date\((\d+)(?:([+-])(\d\d)(\d\d))?\)")

    // From epoch
    new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)
        // Offset sign found
        m.Groups[2].Success ?
            // Sign
            int.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value + "1") *
            // First 2 digits -> hours
            int.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value) * 60 +
            // Last 2 digits -> minutes


TimeSpan types are serialized to JSON in ISO8601 duration format. For example, a TimeSpan of 2 minutes and 11 seconds is serialized as:



Dictionaries are not serialized as plain objects but as an array of objects with Key and Value.


Authentication and authorization

POST /authuser

Example log in with password

POST /authuser
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 250
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2016 13:55:39 GMT


Performs a password login for given username. This operation can be used to authenticate end-user clients when deploying SecretKey via other channels is not practical, for example when creating a generic client that receives credentials as user input. "Log in" is done with password and received SecretKey is securely stored in client and used to perform the other operations.

Validates credentials provided in body containing an AuthUser entity with UserName and Password properties set.

UserName(email) must be set in the content body.

Additional query parameter permissions=1 may be provided to request user permissions information to be included in response.

POST /authuser/{email}

Example log in with password

POST /authuser/
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 250
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2016 13:55:39 GMT


This endpoint is deprecated. Use POST /authuser instead. Performs a password login for given username. This operation can be used to authenticate end-user clients when deploying SecretKey via other channels is not practical, for example when creating a generic client that receives credentials as user input. "Log in" is done with password and received SecretKey is securely stored in client and used to perform the other operations.

Validates credentials provided in body containing an AuthUser entity with UserName and Password properties set.

UserName must correspond to the one in the URI.

Additional query parameter permissions=1 may be provided to request user permissions information to be included in response.

PUT /authuser/password

Attempts to change password for a user. UserName(email) must be set in the content body.

PUT /authuser/{email}/password

This endpoint is deprecated. Use PUT /authuser/password instead. Attempts to change password for a user.

POST /authuser/passwordreset

Request a password reset for given user. UserName(email) must be set in the content body.

Password reset flow

POST /authuser/{email}/passwordreset

This endpoint is deprecated. Use POST /authuser/passwordreset instead. Request a password reset for given user.

GET /authuser/{userid}/permissions

Returns complete permission list for targeted user. Can be only called for current user, attempting to acquire permissions of another user always returns 403 Forbidden. Returns the exact same list that is included in AuthUser structure, but can be called separately and should be preferred over the ?permissions=1 mechanism described under POST /authuser.


Result of a successful "login" with permissions returned alongside the main entity

  "OrganizationalUnitId": "6b98b72a-5b9c-45a4-9549-d549aad2bab5",
  "UserID": "36729336-496c-4d65-99b1-8186f3cd2356",
  "UserName": "",
  "SecretKey": "long random string",
  "Password": null,
  "CanChangePassword": false,
  "CanRecoverPassword": false,
  "Permissions": [
      "TargetUser": {
        "Id": "74b14bc1-2f08-464a-bd7c-7329ad007c08",
        "UserName": "",
        "Email": "",
        "Name": "Test User",
        "FirstName": "Test",
        "LastName": "User",
        "OrganizationID": "acc3ecfc-264a-4d30-a736-3d17797d5a37",
        "Settings": null
      "TargetDirectory": null,
      "TargetQueue": null,
      "TargetCallback": null,
      "KeywordString": "Call",
      "Status": {
        "Create": null,
        "Read": true,
        "Update": null,
        "Delete": null

AuthUser entities are returned when performing a password-based “login”. This can be used to acquire the secret key required for signing all requests, provided the requester knows users configured password. AuthUser entity then contains authentication and authorization related information about the user, like organization id, user id, username, and secret key. Optionally, a list of Permission entities related to the user may be included.

Property name Data type Description
OrganizationalUnitId Guid Organization id of user
UserID Guid Id of User that this AuthUser relates to
UserName string Username
SecretKey string Secret API key for AuthUser, used to sign requests.
Password string User password. Only populated when entity is POSTed for log in.
CanChangePassword bool Whether users are allowed to change their password based on configuration
CanRecoverPassword bool Whether password recovery is allowed based on configuration
Permissions List<Permission> List of Permissions this AuthUser has. Populated if requested.


    "NewPassword":"New, safe and secure password"

Password change entity is received by the API to perform a password change on given user.

Property name Data type Description
UserName string Targeted username
OldPassword string Users current password
RecoveryToken string Instead of an old password, provide a one-use recovery token sent off-band to user. Allows resetting the password without knowing the current password
NewPassword string New password to set



Password reset entity is received by the API to perform a password reset on given user.

Property name Data type Description
Type string Verification type. Known values {Unknown, Phonenumber}
Value string Verification value e.g +358501234567


Example of a single permission indicating that whoever has this permission can read call information of targeted user

  "TargetUser": {
    "Id": "9db12574-4320-4167-84e5-e37b7c4d5479",
    "UserName": "",
    "Email": "",
    "Name": "Test User",
    "FirstName": "Test",
    "LastName": "User",
    "OrganizationID": "8019cdfb-086b-4e48-9547-d80d9b6831b2",
    "Settings": null
  "TargetDirectory": null,
  "TargetQueue": null,
  "TargetCallback": null,
  "KeywordString": "Call",
  "Status": {
    "Create": null,
    "Read": true,
    "Update": null,
    "Delete": null

Permission entity represents a single Permission. Permissions are always resolved from acting user to target entity (User, Queue, Directory, CallbackList). It contains target entity, PermissionKeyword and PermissionStatus entity. Only one entity is present for each permission entity.

PermissionKeywords are related to specific resource permissioning and are optionally provided to allow client customization based on available functionality

Property name Data type Description
TargetUser User Targeted user
TargetDirectory DirectoryEntity Targeted directory
TargetQueue Queue Targeted queue
TargetCallback CallbackList Targeted callback list
KeywordString string Permission keyword, indicates what exactly the permission permits
Status PermissionStatus CRUD flags for current entity


  "Create": null,
  "Read": true,
  "Update": null,
  "Delete": null

PermissionStatus is a set of flags Create, Read, Update, Delete, representing the allowed operations relating to the permission.

Property name Data type Description
Create bool? Can create
Read bool? Can read
Update bool? Can update
Delete bool? Can delete


In some integration cases, it may be necessary a need to communicate with the API as a specific user without requiring the user to fill in their credentials. To enable such use, a high privilege account may be authorized to generate impersonation tokens for specific users. This enables a very simple SSO / IdP style approach in use cases where the integration side has authenticated the user, but that identity cannot be conveniently federated to the API.

The flow on the high level is: - Client connects to the integration side - Client authenticates in a suitable way - Integration side maps the authenticated user to a EnreachAPI user - Integration side acquires an impersonation token from EnreachAPI and passes that to the client - The client proceeds to communicate directly with the API

This behavior is similar to what could be approached using actual SSO with an IdP (such as Azure AD) and our own identity provider. This approach is simpler and does not support any of the finer details, such as refresh tokens, but may be easier to use in integration cases where a full IdP integration is infeasible.

Note that the generated impersonation token is relatively short-lived (in the order of minutes, not hours). Therefore, the integration side must be able to supply a fresh token for the client when appropriate. The actual expiry time can be determined from the expires_in property in the API response. A fresh token can then be generated before the old one expires.

POST /token/{userid}/impersonate

Request a new impersonation token for given user


  "issued_token_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token",
Property name Data type Description
access_token string The token itself, should be passed to the client and then the API
token_type string Type of token and the Authorization scheme that should be used with the API calls. This should be passed to the client alongside the token.
issued_token_type string Technical detail related to OAuth compatibility
expires_in int Expiration time in seconds. Can be used to acquire a fresh token before the previous one expires.

Using the token

When making further API calls, the client may simply include the received token in Authorization header. Note that the token_type from the incoming payload should be used as Authorization scheme.

GET /users/user-1234/availability
Authorization: Bearer aaaa.bbbb.cccc

When using Bearer token, API returns 401 Unauthorized in case the supplied token is invalid. Additionally, the response body contains string token_invalid. The client can thus detect that a new token is needed.

User call information

These endpoints return information related to user calls, call recordings and call transcripts. There are two different types of user calls: Direct calls and Service calls (AgentCalls)

Direct calls

Direct calls are incoming calls dialed directly to a user, or outgoing calls made by the user. Direct calls have a special CallPublicity that further limits access. If Direct call is classified as 'private' or 'undefined', only that actual user can access the call information. If the call is classified as 'work', the call information is available to other users having read access to user direct calls.

Service calls (AgentCalls)

There are three types of servicecalls: Incoming QueueCalls, Outgoing QueueCalls and Outgoing CallbackCalls. This endpoint returns service call information from user (agent) perspective. Use /servicecall/, /outbound-servicecall/ and /outbound-callbackcall/ endpoints to retrieve service call information from broader perspective.

Incoming QueueCalls are calls that are allocated to the user from a service queue. Each allocation event creates a separate call event having Result=3 (Allocated). If the user accept the call, a separate call event is created having Result=0 (Answered)'. The same service call (i.e. same callId) can be allocated to user multiple times, each allocation creates a separate user call event.

Outgoing QueueCalls are calls that are made by user in the name of service queue.

Outgoing callback calls are calls that are made by the user for a call list.

Access control

User level calls have three levels of access:

Permissions are configurable in user level. This means that it is possible to enable an integration account to fetch call information for any subset of all users.

Data update frequency

User call information is updated at roughly 10 second intervals. Calls are exposed over the API only after the call completes and disconnects. This is relevant especially if you acquire information about the existence of a call over another channel (RTE, webhooks) that exposes information about ongoing calls as well.

You can take this into account by delaying the loading of such calls for a short time or by having a mechanism to cover the case where the call is not yet accessible.

GET /calls

Returns a list of user related call events matching filter specified by query parameter.

GET /calls/{eventId}

Returns a single event specified by call event id.

GET /calls/recordings/{recordingId}

Returns a single CallRecording metadata. Contains information about the recording and the url to actual recording stream. RecordingId corresponds to the ids returned in CallEvent

GET /calls/transcripts/{transcriptId}

Returns a single CallTranscript. Contains the transcription content. TranscriptId corresponds to the ids returned in CallEvent

PUT /calls/{eventId}/publicity

Sets the publicity category for the given direct call event id. Agent calls cannot be changed. Call event publicity category can only be changed by the same user that owns the call event regardless of permissions. Can be changed if category is Undefined otherwise the call event timestamp needs to be less than two weeks from the date when change occurs.


Default JSON serialization of a CallEvent

    "ANum": "+358123456789",
    "BNum": "+358987654321",
    "CallID": "2cf79da6-03b8-464d-9a1a-b783f539651c",
    "CallTypeString": "DirectCall",
    "CallbackListId": null,
    "CallbackRequestId": null,
    "CanChangeCallPublicityCategory": true,
    "Direction": 0,
    "Duration": 18,
    "EndResult": 0,
    "ID": "64f5b73e-6d92-ee11-9944-005056895f22",
    "Modified": "\/Date(1701670840717+0000)\/",
    "OrgID": "29f6e823-b484-e611-80c9-00505689257e",
    "PublicityCategoryId": 0,
    "QueueId": null,
    "QueueName": null,
    "RecordingIds": [
    "Recordings": [
        "CanRead": true,
        "RecordingId": "e5d8d226-6d92-ee11-9944-005056895f22"
    "Transcripts": [
        "CanRead": true,
        "TranscriptId": "e5d8d226-6d92-ee11-9944-005056895f22"
    "TimeStamp": "\/Date(1701670773960+0000)\/",
    "UserID": "aa9730c4-ce86-e611-80c9-00505689257e",
    "UserName": ""

Improved JSON seriialization of a CallEvent (X-Json-Serializer: 2)

    "ID": "64f5b73e-6d92-ee11-9944-005056895f22",
    "CallID": "2cf79da6-03b8-464d-9a1a-b783f539651c",
    "OrgID": "29f6e823-b484-e611-80c9-00505689257e",
    "UserID": "aa9730c4-ce86-e611-80c9-00505689257e",
    "UserName": "",
    "TimeStamp": "2023-12-04T06:19:33.96Z",
    "Modified": "2023-12-04T06:20:40.7179304Z",
    "Direction": 0,
    "EndResult": 0,
    "Duration": 18,
    "ANum": "+358123456789",
    "BNum": "+358987654321",
    "RecordingIds": [
    "Recordings": [
        "RecordingId": "e5d8d226-6d92-ee11-9944-005056895f22",
        "CanRead": true
    "Transcripts": [
        "TranscriptId": "e5d8d226-6d92-ee11-9944-005056895f22",
        "CanRead": true
    "QueueName": null,
    "QueueId": null,
    "CallbackListId": null,
    "CallbackRequestId": null,
    "CallTypeString": "DirectCall",
    "PublicityCategoryId": 0,
    "CanChangeCallPublicityCategory": true

Represents a single call event relating to a user. Contains general information about the call, such as time, duration and phone numbers.

Property Data type Description
ID Guid Identifies the unique event
CallID Guid Identifies logical call chain (single call can result in multiple CallEvents, for example if known user calls another known user)
OrgID Guid Identifies organization event belongs to
UserID Guid Identifies the user
UserName string UserName for the UserID, populated automatically
TimeStamp DateTime Call timestamp. Connection time for connected calls, arrival time to system for unanswered
Modified DateTime When the event was created (or last modified, in case the publicity category changes).
CallTypeString CallType Call main type
Direction Direction Call direction
EndResult EndResult Call result.
PublicityCategoryId CallPublicityCategory Call publicity category.
CanChangeCallPublicityCategory bool Defines if the publicity category can be changed. Can be changed if category is Undefined otherwise the call event timestamp needs to be less than two weeks from the date when change occurs. Agent calls cannot be changed.
Duration int Call duration in seconds if answered, 0 if not answered.
ANum string Caller number
BNum string Target number
Recordings List<CallEventRecording> Recording metadata for the call event
Transcripts List<CallEventTranscript> Transcript metadata for the call event
RecordingIds List List of recording ids that relate to the call. These only include the recordings the user is authorized to access. Obsolete. Prefer Recordings for new development for better authorization support.
QueueName string Allocating queue name for inbound servicecalls, Queue on behalf call was made for outboun queuecalls (only applies to ServiceCall type)
CallbackListId Guid? Callback list id for outbound callbackcalls (only applies to outbound callbackcalls)
CallbackRequestId Guid? Callback request id for outbound callbackcalls (only applies to outbound callbackcalls)


Call recording metadata in relation to a specific call event.

The point of this type is that the existence of a recording related to a call event is considered to be metadata for the call event and not the recording itself. Thus, the presence of the recording should be known if the user is authorized to view the call metadata. This is not the case for the recording itself, which is authorized separately.

This enables exposing the presence of the recording to a user without having to grant the user access to the recording itself. This is useful in many integration cases, where the integration account needs to know that the recording exist but does not actually need to play it back - playback is done with user credentials separately.

Property Data type Description
RecordingId Guid? Id of the recording
CanRead bool? If the current user is authorized to read the recording


Call transcript metadata in relation to a specific call event.

The point of this type is that the existence of a transcript related to a call event is considered to be metadata for the call event and not the transcript itself. Thus, the presence of the transcript should be known if the user is authorized to view the call metadata.

This enables exposing the presence of the transcript to a user without having to grant the user access to the transcript itself. This is useful in many integration cases, where the integration account needs to know that the transcript exist but does not actually need to fetch it.

Property Data type Description
TranscriptId Guid? Id of the transcript
CanRead bool? If the current user is authorized to read the transcript


    "ID": "5f674a0e-9e07-ea11-ae70-645d86a0c4da",
    "RecordingID": "5e674a0e-9e07-ea11-ae70-645d86a0c4da",
    "CallID": "4e2c3dd5-65b5-40ec-a047-c461ded67425",
    "OrgID": "67303a08-9e07-ea11-ae70-645d86a0c4da",
    "OrgName": null,
    "UserID": "90303a08-9e07-ea11-ae70-645d86a0c4da",
    "UserName": null,
    "CallbackListId": "05cd939f-d09c-4f6a-ac1b-fc5f63624274",
    "ContentType": null,
    "ContentLength": "0",
    "URL": "recordingstream/5e674a0e-9e07-ea11-ae70-645d86a0c4da.mp3",
    "ReasonCollected": "false",
    "ReasonFreeTextEnabled" : "true",
    "ReasonOptions": [
        "Security check",
        "Customer support",
        "Just for fun"
    "Expires": null

A single call recording (conversion). A single recording can have many conversions in different formats (mp3, wav, etc.), although in practice there usually exists only one in MP3 format. Contains url to the actual audio stream. Url includes token query string for authorization if token authorization can be made, othwerwise contains plain url. Token is valid for 10 minutes.

Property Data type Description
ID Guid Conversion id
RecordingID Guid Recording ID
CallID Guid Call id recording relates to
OrgID Guid Identifies organization recording belongs to
OrgName string Not in use.
UserID Guid? UserID that owns the recording
UserName string Not in use.
QueueID Guid? Queue that recording relates to
CallbackListId Guid? Callback list recording relates to
ContentType string Not in use.
ContentLength long Not in use.
URL string URL where audio stream can be found
ReasonCollected bool? Indicates if the recording listening reason should be collected.
ReasonFreeTextEnabled bool? Indicates if the recording listening reason allows free text input.
ReasonOptions List List of the recording listening options that user can select.
Expires DateTime? When recording will expire. If the value is null or DateTime.MaxValue, the recording never expires.


    "ID": "5f674a0e-9e07-ea11-ae70-645d86a0c4da",
    "RecordingID": "5e674a0e-9e07-ea11-ae70-645d86a0c4da",
    "CallID": "4e2c3dd5-65b5-40ec-a047-c461ded67425",
    "OrgID": "67303a08-9e07-ea11-ae70-645d86a0c4da",
    "UserID": "90303a08-9e07-ea11-ae70-645d86a0c4da",
    "CallbackListId": "05cd939f-d09c-4f6a-ac1b-fc5f63624274",
    "DurationMillis": null,
    "Expires": null,
    "TranscriptStatus": "Completed",
    "Phrases": [
            "ChannelId": 0,
            "DurationMillis": 1000,
            "OffsetMillis": 1000,
            "Confidence": 0.1,
            "Text": "Hello",
      "Locale": "en-GB"
            "ChannelId": 1,
            "DurationMillis": 1000,
            "OffsetMillis": 1000,
            "Confidence": 0.1,
            "Text": "Hello",
      "Locale": "en-GB"
  "TranscriptType": 1

A single call transcript that will contain many transcribed phrases.

Property Data type Description
ID Guid Transcript id
RecordingID Guid? Recording ID transcript relates to
CallID Guid Call id transcript relates to
OrgID Guid Identifies organization transcript belongs to
UserID Guid? UserID that owns the transcript
QueueID Guid? Queue that transcript relates to
CallbackListId Guid? Callback list transcript relates to
DurationMillis int Total duration in milliseconds.
Expires DateTime? When transcript will expire. If the value is null the transcript never expires.
TranscriptStatus string Transcription status. Possible values. Pending, Completed, Failed.
Phrases List<CallTranscriptPhrase List of the transcript phrases.
TranscriptType TranscriptType Transcript type


A single transcribed phrase

Property Data type Description
ChannelId byte Channel identifier of conversation.
DurationMillis int Duration in milliseconds.
OffsetMillis int Offset milliseconds.
Confidence decimal? Transcription confidence.
Text string Transcription content.
Locale string Locale of the phrase.


Specifies allowed query parameters for call search.

Sample of CallFilterParameters serialized to query params (line breaks added for readability).

Requests calls connected between 1.1.2015 06:00 UTC and 1.1.2015 07:00 UTC that belong to user 471D995A-8F56-43FF-98B7-7D750514E9EA and were answered.

GET /calls/?StartTime=2015-01-01+06%3A00%3A00

Requests calls modified between 1.1.2015 06:00 UTC and 1.1.2015 07:00 UTC that belong to user 471D995A-8F56-43FF-98B7-7D750514E9EA. Use ModifiedAfter and ModifiedBefore instead of StartTime and EndTime if you need to sync call records to external system.

GET /calls/?ModifiedAfter=2015-01-01+06%3A00%3A00

Requests calls with specific callID. Note that multiple calls events can have the same callID

GET /calls/?CallId=471D995A-8F56-43FF-98B7-7D750514E9EA

Following changes were introduced in version 2023.7.0 (December 2023):

Property Data type Example query param Description
StartTime DateTime 2015-01-01+06:00:00 Start time for queried events. Required (or modified lookup) unless CallId is specified. StartTime+EndTime time range is limited to 31 days.
EndTime DateTime 2015-01-01+07:00:00 End time for queried events. Required (or modified lookup) unless CallId is specified. StartTime+EndTime time range is limited to 31 days.
ModifiedAfter DateTime 2015-01-01+07:00:00 Look up events modified after given time. Alternative to start/endtime lookup. ModifiedAfter+ModifiedBefore time range is limited to 31 days.
ModifiedBefore DateTime 2015-01-01+07:00:00 Look up events modified before given time. Alternative to start/endtime lookup. ModifiedAfter+ModifiedBefore time range is limited to 31 days.
CallId Guid 471D995A-8F56-43FF-98B7-7D750514E9EA CallId the events should relate to. Enables searching for events in cases where the overall CallId is known, but the exact events that occurred during that call are unknown. Time range is not limited when CallId is defined.
MaxCount int 1000 Max number of entries to returned. Capped at 50000.
CallTypeString CallType DirectCall Only specific call type
Result List<Result> Handled Only calls with specified results
Direction Direction In Only specified direction
PublicityCategory CallPublicityCategory Private Only private category calls.
HasRecording bool true Only calls that have related recording entries
HasTranscript bool true Only calls that have related transcript entries
ExternalNumber string Calls that have the specified external number. The same parameter works for both incoming and outgoing calls in the same lookup.
ANumberMask string 35850123 Anum mask. Deprecated, use ExternalNumber instead.
BNumberMask string 35850456 Bnum mask. Deprecated, use ExternalNumber instead.
UserIDs List 471D995A-8F56-43FF-98B7-7D750514E9EA List of semicolon-separated userids to get calls for. Limited to max 5 users from start of the list.
Order CallOrderBy Descending Sort order for call list


Enumeration of call main types.

Name Value Description
DirectCall 0 A call made directly to/by a user. Call event is owned by the user
ServiceCall 1 Calls allocated from service queue to a user or called out on behalf of a service queue or callback list.


Enumeration of possible call directions.

Name Value Description
In 0 Incoming calls
Out 1 Outgoing calls


Enumeration of call end results

Name Value Description
Handled 0 Answered call
Abandoned 1 Unanswered call
Transferred 2 Incoming call that was transferred elsewhere
Allocated 3 Allocated service call from a service pool


Enumeration of call publicity category.

Name Value Description
Undefined 0 Undefined category, only user themself can access the call
Private 1 Call is categorized as private call, only user themself can access the call
Work 2 Call is categorized as work call. All servicecalls are automatically categorized as work calls.


Enum describes sort order.

Name Value Description
Ascending 1 Ascending sort order
Descending 2 Descending sort order


Enum describes transcript type

Name Value Description
PostCall 1 Transcript generated from a recording of a conversation.
RealTimeCall 2 Transcript generated in real-time during a call.
CallbackRequest 3 Transcript for callback request.
Voicemail 4 Transcript for voicemail message.

Service call information

Service calls are incoming calls made to service pools. Detailed information about call progress in the system is available via ServiceCallDetail events, while ServiceCall provides high-level information about the overall call.

Access control

Service level calls have three levels of access:

Permissions are configurable in service pool level. This means that it is possible to enable an integration account to fetch call information for any subset of all service pools. As each service call entry is owned by the service pool the call first arrived to, it is often necessary to target all service pools that can have interaction between them to properly work with overflows, scheduled transfers etc.

Data update frequency

Service call information is updated at roughly 10 second intervals. The information is exposed even when the call is ongoing, but the information can change as long as the call is ongoing. New detail events may appear for the call as long as it remains ongoing, meaning it has Result == Ongoing (0).

Once the call completes and disconnects, there will be no further detail events. Also, once the call has been completed (Result != Ongoing (0)), the result will not change again.

This is relevant if you load new calls frequently. In such case, you need to handle the ongoing calls by reloading them later after the call has completed. Also, if you acquire information about the existence of a call over another channel (RTE, webhooks) that exposes information about ongoing calls as well, handling ongoing calls separately may be necessary.

GET /servicecall

Get all inbound servicecalls in a time range

GET /servicecall/?StartTime=2015-02-01+00%3A00%3A00

Returns a list of service call events matching filter specified by query parameter

GET /servicecall/{callId}

Returns information about a specific service call only

GET servicecall/{callId}/details

Returns a list of detailed events relating to a single call.

GET servivecall/{callId}/metrics

Returns metrics for a single call. Metrics are calculated from the detailed events of the call.


Header information for a service call. Service calls are calls made to service pools and are represented in more detail than simple CallEvents.

    "ANum": "+358501231234",
    "AnswerQueueId": "C0A7E3FB-56D2-4079-AAE8-25B0630406FD",
    "AnswerQueueName": "Support (FI)",
    "AnswerTime": "2015-02-02T06:15:27Z",
    "AnsweringUserId": "D716DC55-4C78-4CE9-933F-AA9B08E66940",
    "AnsweringUserName": "User Name",
    "BNum": "+358101231234",
    "DisconnectTime": "2015-02-02T06:16:32Z",
    "EntryQueueId": "FF2F680F-184F-470A-AF86-D50B8C5B3CC6",
    "EntryQueueName": "Switchboard IVR",
    "Id": "bec058a6-74da-4dc6-8402-74d6a1a02880",
    "LastEventTime": "2015-02-02T06:16:32Z",
    "LastQueueId": "C0A7E3FB-56D2-4079-AAE8-25B0630406FD",
    "LastQueueName": "Support (FI)",
    "OrganizationId": "d6838fc1-d649-e211-9c34-005056aa29fb",
    "Result": 0,
    "Timestamp": "2015-02-02T06:15:01Z",
    "Modified": "2015-02-02T06:15:03Z",
    "WaitTime": "00:00:25.847"
    <AnswerQueueName>Support (FI)</AnswerQueueName>
    <AnsweringUserName>User Name</AnsweringUserName>
    <EntryQueueName>Switchboard IVR</EntryQueueName>
    <LastQueueName>Support (FI)</LastQueueName>
Property Data type Description
Id Guid Call identifier
OrganizationId Guid Id of related organization
Timestamp DateTime Call arrival time
Modified DateTime When the entry was created or last modified
EntryQueueId Guid? Id of queue call arrived to
EntryQueueName string Name of queue call arrived to
AnswerQueueId Guid? Id of queue call was last answered from
AnswerQueueName string Name of queue call was last answered from
LastQueueId Guid? Id of the last servicequeue call was allocable to agents
LastQueueName string Name of the last servicequeue call was allocable to agents
ANum string Caller number
Bnum string Called number
Result ServiceCallResultType Call result.
AnsweringUserId Guid? Id user user that last answered the call
AnsweringUserName string Name of user that last answered the call
AnswerTime DateTime? Answering timestamp for the call
DisconnectTime DateTime? Time when call disconnected
WaitTime TimeSpan? Waiting time from connect to first answer for the call


Enum describes possible call results.

Name Value Description
Answered 0 Call was answered
Abandoned 1 Call was not answered
Transferred 2 Call was transferred to an external target
OffSchedule 3 Call arrived to a closed service pool and was not handled
Callback 4 A callback request was created from the call
Ongoing 1000 Type for calls that are still ongoing and do not have a defined result yet


Enum describes the roles a user can be in a single call. Used in ServiceCallFilterParameters.

Name Value Description
Allocated 1 Call was allocated to the specified user(s) at some point during its lifetime
Answered 2 Call was answered by the specified user(s) at some point during its lifetime


Filter object used for searching ServiceCalls. Can contain relevant information such as arrival queue, agent role in call etc in addition to basic timestamp-like information. It is serialized as query parameter when making calls to service call resource.

Sample usage, find calls in time range answered by a specific user

Property Data type Example query param Description
StartTime DateTime 2015-01-01+06:00:00 Search window start time. Required. StartTime+EndTime time range is limited to 31 days.
EndTime DateTime 2015-01-01+07:00:00 Search window end time. Required. StartTime+EndTime time range is limited to 31 days.
ModifiedAfter DateTime 2015-01-01+07:00:00 Look up events modified after given time. Alternative to start/endtime lookup. ModifiedAfter+ModifiedBefore time range is limited to 31 days.
ModifiedBefore DateTime 2015-01-01+07:00:00 Look up events modified before given time. Alternative to start/endtime lookup. ModifiedAfter+ModifiedBefore time range is limited to 31 days.
MaxRows int 1000 Max number of entries to returned. Capped at 5000.
ANumberMask string 35850123 Restrict by caller number mask
CallResult List<ServiceCallResultType> Answered Limit to specific results
EntryQueue List Limit to calls that entered to specified queues
AnswerQueue List Limit to calls that were answered in specified queues
LastQueue List Limit to calls that last entered specified queues
UserRole UserRoleInCall Allocated Use in combination with Users to restrict to calls where specified user(s) are in specified role
Users List
Order ServiceCallOrderBy Descending Sort order for service call list


Sample list of service call detail events for a single call

        "Id": "8232c9d2-9d58-ef11-9949-005056895f22",
        "CallId": "c30cddf7-951a-4ded-973a-c785c8ac0b65",
        "Timestamp": "2024-08-12T11:27:15.093Z",
        "EventTypeId": 1,
        "EventType": "CallConnect",
        "QueueId": "77c4f037-3811-ec11-9929-005056895f22",
        "QueueName": "Queue Name",
        "UserId": null,
        "userName": null,
        "Reason": "ServiceQueue",
        "RecordingId": null,
        "TranscriptId": null,
        "Recordings": [],
        "Transcripts": []
        "Id": "8432c9d2-9d58-ef11-9949-005056895f22",
        "CallId": "c30cddf7-951a-4ded-973a-c785c8ac0b65",
        "Timestamp": "2024-08-12T11:27:15.297Z",
        "EventTypeId": 100,
        "EventType": "QueueArrive",
        "QueueId": "77c4f037-3811-ec11-9929-005056895f22",
        "QueueName": "Queue Name",
        "UserId": null,
        "userName": null,
        "Reason": "ServiceQueue",
        "RecordingId": null,
        "TranscriptId": null,
        "Recordings": [],
        "Transcripts": []
        "Id": "8532c9d2-9d58-ef11-9949-005056895f22",
        "CallId": "c30cddf7-951a-4ded-973a-c785c8ac0b65",
        "Timestamp": "2024-08-12T11:27:15.343Z",
        "EventTypeId": 200,
        "EventType": "QueueAllocateUser",
        "QueueId": "77c4f037-3811-ec11-9929-005056895f22",
        "QueueName": "Queue Name",
        "UserId": "aa9730c4-ce86-e611-80c9-00505689257e",
        "userName": "User Name",
        "Reason": "ServiceQueue",
        "RecordingId": null,
        "TranscriptId": null,
        "Recordings": [],
        "Transcripts": []
        "Id": "8732c9d2-9d58-ef11-9949-005056895f22",
        "CallId": "c30cddf7-951a-4ded-973a-c785c8ac0b65",
        "Timestamp": "2024-08-12T11:27:19.357Z",
        "EventTypeId": 201,
        "EventType": "UserAnswer",
        "QueueId": "77c4f037-3811-ec11-9929-005056895f22",
        "QueueName": "Queue Name",
        "UserId": "aa9730c4-ce86-e611-80c9-00505689257e",
        "userName": "User Name",
        "Reason": "ServiceQueue",
        "RecordingId": null,
        "TranscriptId": null,
        "Recordings": [],
        "Transcripts": []
        "Id": "266376db-9d58-ef11-9949-005056895f22",
        "CallId": "c30cddf7-951a-4ded-973a-c785c8ac0b65",
        "Timestamp": "2024-08-12T11:27:29.653Z",
        "EventTypeId": 410,
        "EventType": "WrapUpStarted",
        "QueueId": "77c4f037-3811-ec11-9929-005056895f22",
        "QueueName": "Queue Name",
        "UserId": "aa9730c4-ce86-e611-80c9-00505689257e",
        "userName": "User Name",
        "Reason": null,
        "RecordingId": null,
        "TranscriptId": null,
        "Recordings": [],
        "Transcripts": []
        "Id": "276376db-9d58-ef11-9949-005056895f22",
        "CallId": "c30cddf7-951a-4ded-973a-c785c8ac0b65",
        "Timestamp": "2024-08-12T11:27:29.657Z",
        "EventTypeId": 7,
        "EventType": "Recording",
        "QueueId": "77c4f037-3811-ec11-9929-005056895f22",
        "QueueName": "Queue Name",
        "UserId": "aa9730c4-ce86-e611-80c9-00505689257e",
        "userName": "User Name",
        "Reason": "servicequeue",
        "RecordingId": null,
        "TranscriptId": null,
        "Recordings": [
                "RecordingId": "2c6376db-9d58-ef11-9949-005056895f22",
                "CanRead": false
        "Transcripts": [
                "TranscriptId": "ccefe498-51c1-4eed-dd6d-08dcba9cdc7d",
                "CanRead": false
        "Id": "286376db-9d58-ef11-9949-005056895f22",
        "CallId": "c30cddf7-951a-4ded-973a-c785c8ac0b65",
        "Timestamp": "2024-08-12T11:27:29.66Z",
        "EventTypeId": 2,
        "EventType": "CallDisconnect",
        "QueueId": null,
        "QueueName": null,
        "UserId": null,
        "userName": null,
        "Reason": "",
        "RecordingId": null,
        "TranscriptId": null,
        "Recordings": [],
        "Transcripts": []
        "Id": "315165ed-9d58-ef11-9949-005056895f22",
        "CallId": "c30cddf7-951a-4ded-973a-c785c8ac0b65",
        "Timestamp": "2024-08-12T11:27:59.763Z",
        "EventTypeId": 411,
        "EventType": "WrapUpTerminated",
        "QueueId": "77c4f037-3811-ec11-9929-005056895f22",
        "QueueName": "Queue Name",
        "UserId": "aa9730c4-ce86-e611-80c9-00505689257e",
        "userName": "User Name",
        "Reason": "timer",
        "RecordingId": null,
        "TranscriptId": null,
        "Recordings": [],
        "Transcripts": []

Detailed step information for a call. A number of these are nested under a single ServiceCall, representing individual steps a call takes inside the system (arrive, get allocated, answered etc.)

Property Data type Description
Id Guid Id of the detail event
CallId Guid Id of the service call event relates to
Timestamp DateTime Event timestamp
EventTypeId int? Event type id. Corresponds to ServiceCallEventType.
EventType string Event type description. Corresponds to ServiceCallEventType.
QueueId Guid? Queue id for the event if applicable
QueueName string Queue name for event if applicable
UserId Guid? User id for the event if applicable
userName string Username for event if applicable
Reason string Reason field, contains technical info string
RecordingId Guid? Id of related CallRecording.
TranscriptId Guid? Id of related CallTranscript.
Recordings List<CallEventRecording> Recording metadata for the call event
Transcripts List<CallEventTranscript> Transcript metadata for the call event


Enum describes different event types that ServiceCallDetail events can have. Each type has a Reason field that can contain additional information about the event. The content depends on the event type.

Name Value Description Reason field content
CallConnect 1 Call first connects to the system ServiceQueue if service queue
PersonalWork if direct number of a user
CallDisconnect 2 Call finally disconnects Various reasons
local if call was disconnected by call routing component
remote if call was disconnected by a participant
system technical reason, service shutdown
<empty> no specific reason available, e.g agent call count to zero while serving a call
Recording 7 Call recording created servicequeue if call recording was created for a service queue
QueueArrive 100 Call arrives to queue ServiceQueue if service queue
PersonalWork if direct number of a user
QueueReject 101 Call attempts to enter a queue but is refused none
QueueScheduleClosed 102 Call is rejected from queue because schedule is closed ServiceClosed if call was rejected because of normal schedule,
AdHoc_X if queue was closed because of AdHoc schedule
QueueOverflow 103 Queue triggers an overflow and logically moves the call onwards NoAvailableProviders if no agents were available,
QueueTimeout if max waiting time elapsed,
QueueFull if queue was full
QueueAllocateUser 200 Queue allocates the call to an agent ServiceQueue if service queue
PersonalWork if direct number of a user
UserAnswer 201 Agent answers the call ServiceQueue if service queue
PersonalWork if direct number of a user
UserDisconnect 202 Agent answered call is disconnected none
UserReject 203 Agent rejects the allocated call CallDisconnected if call was disconnected,
OtherConnected if other agent answered,
Timeout if allocation timeout elapsed,
UserActivelyDeclined if agent declined incoming call,
GenericUserRejected all other reasons
UserTransfer 204 Agent actively transfers the call forward Target number
UserPark 205 Agent parks the call none
UserUnpark 206 Agent unparks the call none
UserOnHold 207 Agent puts the call on hold none
UserUnhold 208 Agent takes the call off hold none
ExtQuery 250 Query for external routing information was made OK if query was successful and routing information was received,
NOT_FOUND if query was succesfull, but no routing information received (caller not recognized),
FAILED if query failed
ExtTarget 251 External routing target info was received Semicolon separated list of routing information: pr=<prio>;req=<required>;nbr=<number>; where prio = relative priority (lower is higher priority),
required = target is required, i.e wait if target if busy (0/1),
number = received target number
ExtAuthentication 252 External authentication for the caller completed. OK if authentication was successful; otherwise, an error message.
QueueTransfer 300 Queue transfers the call Target number
QueueTransferConnect 301 Queue transfer connects Target number
QueueTransferCancel 302 Queue transfer is cancelled CallDisconnected if call was disconnected before transfer connected,
Timeout if timeout elapsed,
UserActivelyDeclined if target declined incoming call, GenericUserRejected all other reasons
SupervisionStatus 320 Status of supervision changed event <status>:<supervisor name> where status is SilentlyListening, Whispering, Participating, Exited, Entered. Supervisor name is the name of the supervisor
SLStarted 350 Queue level Service Level timer started (if the feature is enabled). Time elapsed vs. the target time configured. Example: 0/60.
SLExceeded 351 Configured Service Level time exceeded; call is still in the queue. Time elapsed vs. the target time configured. Example: 60/60.
SLAbandoned 352 Caller disconnected before the Service Level time was reached. Time elapsed vs. the target time configured. Example: 35/60.
SLReached 353 Call answered by an agent before the Service Level time was reached. Time elapsed vs. the target time configured. Example: 35/60.
SLInterrupted 354 Call overflowed from the queue to another target before Service Level time. Time elapsed vs. the target time configured. Example: 35/60.
IvrSelection 400 Caller has made (DTMF) IVR menu selection or entered some longer collected input <use case>,<input>,<type> where use case is IVR_MENU if selection was in IVR menu or ALLOC_MENU if selection was during during queueing in servicequeue, input is the DTMF input string, overflowtype is technical type of call control element
StartBlockingPrompt 401 Prompt playing that prevents allocation to agents has been started MandatoryEnter if queue has mandatory announcement before allocation,
Overflow if queue has overflow message,
ServiceClosed if queue has service closed message,
AdHoc_X if queue has AdHoc message,
ExtraService_X if queue has ExtraService message
WrapUpStarted 410 Agent wrap-up time started none
WrapUpTerminated 411 Agent wrap-up time was terminated timer if wrap-up time elapsed,
manual if agent terminated wrap-up manually before time elapsed
CallbackCreated 500 A callback request was created from the call Id of the callback list


Enum describes sort order.

Name Value Description
Ascending 1 Ascending sort order
Descending 2 Descending sort order


Metrics for a single call. Metrics are calculated from the detailed events of the call.

  "CallId": "71a63a11-287b-4ece-a5b1-0d3ede556234",
  "Timestamp": "2024-12-09T12:18:17.47Z",
  "TotalDurationMs": 98520,
  "TotalWaitTimeFirstAnswerMs": 38957,
  "QueueWaitTimeFirstAnswerMs": 28547,
  "QueueWaitTimeTotalMs": 28547,
  "TotalTalkTimeMs": 39446,
  "TotalHoldTimeMs": 20117,
  "Answered": true,
  "Transferred": false,
  "CallbackCreated": false,
  "QueueEntries": [
      "Id": "ac9237ad-27b6-ef11-994c-005056895f22",
      "QueueId": "77c4f037-3811-ec11-9929-005056895f22",
      "QueueName": "Sales",
      "Timestamp": "2024-12-09T12:18:27.88Z",
      "QueueWaitTimeMs": 28547,
      "QueueTalkTimeMs": 39446,
      "QueueHoldTimeMs": 20117,
      "ServiceLevelEnabled": false,
      "ServiceLevelReached": false,
      "PreEnterAbandoned": false
  "UserAllocations": [
      "Id": "ad9237ad-27b6-ef11-994c-005056895f22",
      "UserId": "974bf56b-3811-ec11-9929-005056895f22",
      "QueueId": "77c4f037-3811-ec11-9929-005056895f22",
      "Timestamp": "2024-12-09T12:18:27.947Z",
      "Answered": false,
      "UserWaitTimeMs": 3130,
      "UserCallTimeTotalMs": 0,
      "UserTalkTimeMs": 0,
      "UserHoldTimeMs": 0,
      "UserWrapUpTimeMs": 0
      "Id": "a5356ab9-27b6-ef11-994c-005056895f22",
      "UserId": "aa9730c4-ce86-e611-80c9-00505689257e",
      "QueueId": "77c4f037-3811-ec11-9929-005056895f22",
      "Timestamp": "2024-12-09T12:18:50.373Z",
      "Answered": true,
      "UserWaitTimeMs": 6054,
      "UserCallTimeTotalMs": 59563,
      "UserTalkTimeMs": 39446,
      "UserHoldTimeMs": 20117,
      "UserWrapUpTimeMs": 0
Name Data type Description
CallId Guid Id of the call
Timestamp DateTime Timestamp of the metrics
TotalDurationMs int Total duration of the call in milliseconds. Time in IVR and mandartory announcements is included
TotalWaitTimeFirstAnswerMs int Total wait time from connect to first answer in milliseconds. Time in IVR and mandatory announcements is included
QueueWaitTimeFirstAnswerMs int Wait time in queue from connect to first answer in milliseconds. Time in IVR and mandatory announcements is not included
QueueWaitTimeTotalMs int Total wait time in queue in milliseconds. Time in IVR and mandatory announcements is not included
TotalTalkTimeMs int Total talk time in milliseconds
TotalHoldTimeMs int Total hold time in milliseconds
Answered bool True if call was answered
Transferred bool True if call was transferred
CallbackCreated bool True if a callback was created from the call
QueueEntries List<QueueEntryMetrics> List of queue entries for the call
UserAllocations List<UserAllocationMetrics> List of user allocations for the call


Metrics for a single queue entry.

Name Data type Description
Id Guid Id of the queue entry
QueueId Guid Id of the queue
QueueName string Name of the queue
Timestamp DateTime Timestamp of the queue entry
QueueWaitTimeMs int Wait time in queue in milliseconds. Time in mandatory announcement is not included
QueueTalkTimeMs int Talk time in queue in milliseconds
QueueHoldTimeMs int Hold time in queue in milliseconds
ServiceLevelEnabled bool True if service level is enabled for the queue
ServiceLevelReached bool True if service level was enabled for the queue and the call was answered before target answer time
PreEnterAbandoned bool? True if call were abandoned before arriving to the queue


Metrics for a single user allocation.

Name Data type Description
Id Guid Id of the user allocation
UserId Guid Id of the user
QueueId Guid Id of the queue
Timestamp DateTime Timestamp of the user allocation
Answered bool True if the user answered the call
UserWaitTimeMs int Wait time for the user in milliseconds
UserCallTimeTotalMs int Total call time from answer to disconnect for the user in milliseconds
UserTalkTimeMs int Talk time for the user in milliseconds
UserHoldTimeMs int Hold time for the user in milliseconds
UserWrapUpTimeMs int Wrap-up time for the user in milliseconds

Outbound service call information

When a user makes an outbound call, the call is by default considered a user call). In some cases, however, the call is signalled (usually before the call is initialized) to instead be an outbound service call.

There are two types of outbound service calls: Outbound queue calls and outbound callback calls

Outbound queue call

Outbound queue calls are initiated by the user, but are partially taken over by the service queue on behalf of which the call is made. Usually, the agent chooses to call on behalf of a queue, for example to contact customers without exposing their own identity. The process can be automatic as wel depending on configuration.

Outbound queue calls are recorded based on queue configuration, and the resulting call information as well as the recording belong primarily to the queue.

GET /outbound-servicecall

Looks up outbound service calls

GET /outbound-servicecall/{id}

Returns a specific outbound service call by id


Outbound service call made on behalf of a queue

    "Id": "bec058a6-74da-4dc6-8402-74d6a1a02880",
    "CallId": "85c0f45f-ddae-49bc-adab-023502b41688",
    "DisplayNumber": "+4613129399232",
    "DurationSeconds": 66,
    "QueueId": "ca251a76-73e2-4c3c-96d2-2d61e49b2eaf",
    "QueueName": "Support (FI)",
    "RecordingId": "b21d4e74-c10b-407e-80ed-4eca43b69695",
    "TranscriptId": "b21d4e74-c10b-407e-80ed-4eca43b69695",
    "Recordings": [
        "CanRead": true,
        "RecordingId": "b21d4e74-c10b-407e-80ed-4eca43b69695"
    "Transcripts": [
        "CanRead": true,
        "TranscriptId": "b21d4e74-c10b-407e-80ed-4eca43b69695"
    "ResultType": "Answered",
    "TargetNumber": "+35810110010",
    "Timestamp": "2023-01-01T01:33:55Z",
    "Modified": "2023-01-01T01:34:01Z",
    "UserId": "66a62777-3785-4744-be15-4c9988457519",
    "Username": "",
    "WaitTimeSeconds": 12
Property name Value type Description
CallId Guid? Overall call context this call is part of (there may be multiple individual calls in a call chain)
DisplayNumber string Source number shown when making the outbound call
DurationSeconds int? Number of seconds the user spent talking. Null for unanswered.
Id Guid Id for this individual call
QueueId Guid? Id of the queue on behalf of which the call was made
QueueName string Name of the queue on behalf of which the call was made
RecordingId Guid? Recording id
TranscriptId Guid? Transcript id
Recordings List<CallEventRecording> Recording metadata for the call event
Transcripts List<CallEventTranscript> Transcript metadata for the call event
ResultType string Result type. Refers to OutboundServiceCallResult.
TargetNumber string Number the call targeted
Timestamp DateTime? Call start time
Modified DateTime When the entry was created or last modified.
UserId Guid? Id of the user that actually made the call
Username string Username that actually made the call
WaitTimeSeconds int? Wait time in seconds. Null for unanswered.


Possible result types for the OutboundServiceCall

Name Description
Undefined Undefined result
Answered Call was answered
Abandoned Call was abandoned = not answered


Filter object to be used when looking up outbound service calls

Property name Value type Description
StartTime DateTime? Return calls after given time (inclusive)
EndTime DateTime? Return calls before given time (inclusive). Maximum time window is 7 days
ModifiedAfter DateTime Look up events modified after given time. Alternative to start/endtime lookup.
ModifiedBefore DateTime Look up events modified before given time. Alternative to start/endtime lookup.
MaxRows int? Max number of rows to return. Defaults to 250 if unspecified. Maximum allowed value is 5000
TargetNumberMask String Search by target number.
QueueIds List<Guid> Return calls made on behalf of the specified queues. At most 10 queues can be specified at a time.
Result string Return calls with specified result. Refers to OutboundServiceCallResult
UserId Guid? Return calls made by the specified user.
CallId Guid? Return calls made by the specified call id.
Order OutboundCallOrderBy Sort order for call list

Outbound callback call

Outbound callback calls are made to handle a pending callback request. The agent indicates they are calling to handle a specific request, and the call is taken over by the correspoding callback list and its configuration.

Outbound callback calls are recorded based on list configuration. The resulting call information as well as the recording belong primarily to the callback list.

GET /outbound-callbackcall

Searches outbound callback calls

GET /outbound-callbackcall/{id}

Returns a single outbound callback call by id or 404


    "Id": "bec058a6-74da-4dc6-8402-74d6a1a02880",
    "CallbackListId": "78c79e79-32c7-4a76-9513-6fc5ca0227d6",
    "CallbackListName": "Back Office FI",
    "CallbackRequestId": "a014b3ba-1569-4798-b699-98b9601fe291",
    "CallId": "85c0f45f-ddae-49bc-adab-023502b41688",
    "DisplayNumber": "+4613129399232",
    "DurationSeconds": 66,
    "RecordingId": "b21d4e74-c10b-407e-80ed-4eca43b69695",
    "TranscriptId": "b21d4e74-c10b-407e-80ed-4eca43b69695",
    "Recordings": [
        "CanRead": true,
        "RecordingId": "b21d4e74-c10b-407e-80ed-4eca43b69695"
    "Transcripts": [
        "CanRead": true,
        "TranscriptId": "b21d4e74-c10b-407e-80ed-4eca43b69695"
    "ResultType": "Answered",
    "TargetNumber": "+35810110010",
    "Timestamp": "2023-01-01T01:33:55Z",
    "Modified": "2023-01-01T01:35:22Z",
    "UserId": "66a62777-3785-4744-be15-4c9988457519",
    "Username": "",
    "WaitTimeSeconds": 12

Outbound call relating to a specific callback item

Property name Value type Description
CallbackListId Guid? Id of the callback list the call related to
CallbackListName string Name of the callback list
CallbackRequestId Guid? Id of the callback request the call related to
CallId Guid? Overall call context this call is part of (there may be multiple individual calls in a call chain)
DisplayNumber string Source number shown when making the outbound call
DurationSeconds int? Number of seconds the user spent talking. Null for unanswered.
Id Guid Id for this individual call
RecordingId Guid? Recording id
TranscriptId Guid? Transcript id
Recordings List<CallEventRecording> Recording metadata for the call event
Transcripts List<CallEventTranscript> Transcript metadata for the call event
ResultType string Result type. Refers to OutboundCallbackCallResult
TargetNumber string Number the call targeted
Timestamp DateTime? Call start time
Modified DateTime When the entry was created or last modified.
UserId Guid? Id of the user that actually made the call
Username string Username that actually made the call
WaitTimeSeconds int? Wait time in seconds. Null for unanswered.


Possible result types for the OutboundCallbackCall

Name Description
Undefined Undefined result
Answered Call was answered
Abandoned Call was abandoned = not answered


Filter object for looking up outbound callback calls

Property name Value type Description
StartTime DateTime? Return calls after given time (inclusive)
EndTime DateTime? Return calls before given time (inclusive). Maximum time window is 7 days
ModifiedAfter DateTime Look up events modified after given time. Alternative to start/endtime lookup.
ModifiedBefore DateTime Look up events modified before given time. Alternative to start/endtime lookup.
CallbackListIds List<Guid> Return calls made for specified callback lists. At most 10 lists can be specified at a time.
MaxRows int? Max number of rows to return. Defaults to 250 if unspecified. Maximum allowed value is 5000
Result string Return calls with specified result. Refers to OutboundCallbackCallResult
UserId Guid? Return calls made by the specified user
CallbackListId Guid? Return calls made for specified callback list + callback request. Both CallbackListId and CallbackRequestId values are required.
CallbackRequestId Guid? Return calls made for specified callback request + callback list. Both CallbackListId and CallbackRequestId values are required.
TargetNumberMask String Search by target number.
CallId Guid? Return calls made by the specified call id.
Order OutboundCallOrderBy Sort order for call list

Sample usage, find succesfull outbouncd callbackcalls in time range from specific list



Enum describes sort order.

Name Value Description
Ascending 1 Ascending sort order
Descending 2 Descending sort order

Queue information

Entities related to service pools/queues, agents attached to them and relevant statuses.


Queue entities cannot currently be managed via API, they are read only.

QueueUser entities can be managed and require permissions on both targeted queue and user.

There are two related PermissionKeywords:

GET /queues

Returns a list of all authorized queues, meaning all queues user has Queue Read permission to.

If OnlyForUser parameter is specified, requester must have QueueUser Read on target user. Otherwise 401 will be returned.

QueueUser property for Queue entity is not populated in this resource.


Filter object for queue listing resource.

Name Type Description
OnlyForUser Guid? Return only queues where given user is active
IncludeUserInactive bool? Combined with OnlyForUser, return also queues where user is added but inactive
IncludeQueueGroups bool? Include queue groups attached to the queue.

GET /queues/{queueid}

Requires Queue Read permission on targeted queue.

Returns a single queue with QueueUser property populated.

POST /queues/{queueid}/queueusers

Updates a collection of QueueUsers received in body. Missing entities are created and existing ones updated.

Requires a Queue Update permission on target queue and QueueUser Create/Update on target users.

DELETE /queues/{queueid}/queueusers/{userid}

Completely removes targeted QueueUser entity.

Requires a Queue Update permission on target queue and QueueUser Delete on target user.

GET /users/{userid}/queues

From users personal perspective, returns a list of all authorized QueueUser entities for the user.

Requires a QueueUser Read permission on targeted user.


Filter for endpoint returning QueueUser mappings

Name Type Description
IncludeQueueStatus bool? Request that queue status is loaded for returned queues
IncludeQueueGroups bool? Request that queue groups are loaded for returned queues

POST /users/{userid}/queues

Example updating single queue activity

POST /users/974ae113-5ea1-e411-9536-00155d000507/queues/ HTTP/1.1
Date: 2016-02-12 14:09:57 GMT
Content-type: application/json
Accept: application/json

[{"QueueId":"1F03A1C1-A3AB-E411-9536-00155D000507", "UserId":"974ae113-5ea1-e411
-9536-00155d000507", "Active":true}]

HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Length: 194
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2016 14:09:38 GMT


Updates the entire collection of users personal QueueUser entities. Looks at received QueueUser collection, compares them to the existing ones and changes the matching ones. Ones missing from backend are not created, and existing ones missing from input are not deleted.

Requires a QueueUser Update permission on targeted user. No permission on target Queue is required. Does not allow changing Priority property.

GET /queues/{queueid}/configuration

Returns the QueueConfiguration for given queue.

PUT /queues/{queueid}/configuration

Updates the QueueConfiguration for given queue.

GET /queuegroups

Returns list of queue qroups. Returns NotFound if no queue groups exist. If QueueIds is null or empty then no queues are attached to the group.

        "Name": "Group 1",
        "Description": "Description 1",
        "QueueIds": [
        "Name": "Group 2",
        "Description": "",
        "QueueIds": null,

GET /queuegroups/{groupid}

Returns a queue qroup. Returns NotFound if no queue group exist. If QueueIds is null or empty then no queues are attached to the group.

    "Name": "Group 1",
    "Description": "Description 1",
    "QueueIds": [

POST /queuegroups

Creates a new queue qroup. Can be used to create a single group or create a single group and also attach the queues to the group at the same time by giving the queue ids. Returns BadRequest if group cannot be created. Calling user has to have permission to create the group. Does not allow to create a group with existing group name.

    "Name": "Group 3",
    "Description": "Description 3",
    "QueueIds": [

PUT /queuegroups/{groupid}

Updates a existing queue qroup. Can be used to update a single groups properties and attach the queues to the group by giving the queue ids. If QueueIds is null then no action is taken updating the queues. If QueueIds is empty then queue attachment is cleared. If QueueIds contains ids then queue attachments is cleared and replaced with the new ids. Returns BadRequest if group cannot be updated. Calling user has to have permission to update the group. Does not update a group name to a existing group name.

    "Name": "Renamed group",
    "QueueIds": [

DELETE /queuegroups/{groupid}

Deletes a existing queue qroup. Returns BadRequest if group cannot be deleted. Calling user has to have permission to delete the group.

POST /queuegroups/{groupid}/activate/{userId}

Looks up all the queues in target group that the target user is a member of and activates the user in those queues.

QueueUser.Update permission on target user is required.

POST /queuegroups/{groupid}/deactivate/{userId}

Looks up all the queues in target group that the target user is a member of and deactivates the user in those queues.

QueueUser.Update permission on target user is required.


    "Status": {
        "QueueId": "6f911c1d-7f26-43f5-99c7-d5b0d565a6d5",
        "OngoingCalls": 0,
        "QueueLength": 0,
        "ActiveAgents": 1,
        "FreeAgents": 1,
        "MaxWaitTime": 0,
        "ServingAgents": 1,
        "OpenStatus": 5
    "TypeId": 4,
    "QueueUser": null,
    "UsePriorities": true,
    "CallAgeBonus": 100,
    "Numbers": [
    "OrganizationalUnitId": "7af5db69-d038-4723-9a0b-7db10878fb99",
    "Id": "6f911c1d-7f26-43f5-99c7-d5b0d565a6d5",
    "Name": "Some queue",
    "CanUpdate": true

Represents a single queue in the system. Contains id, name, numbers and other related information. Also possibly contains a list of attached agents, and a QueueStatus entity.

Property name Value type Description
Id Guid Queue id
CanUpdate bool If current user is authorized to update the queue
TypeId int? Queue type id, technical info. Refers to QueueTypes
OrganizationalUnitId Guid Organization id queue belongs to
Name string Queue name
UsePriorities bool Whether agent priorities are used in the queue when allocating calls
CallAgeBonus int Age bonus applied to incoming calls to the queue. This enables prioritizing calls to specific queues by making them appear "older" than they actually are. The value ranges from 0 to 10k
Numbers List<string> Phone numbers attached to the queue
Status QueueStatus Current queue status
QueueUsers List<QueueUser> List of users attached to the queue
QueueGroups List<QueueGroup> List of groups attached to the queue


    "QueueId": "6f911c1d-7f26-43f5-99c7-d5b0d565a6d5",
    "QueueName": "Some queue",
    "CanUpdate": true,
    "CallAgeBonus": 100

DTO for configuring basic properties of a queue

Property name Value type Description
QueueId Guid Queue id. Read only.
QueueName string Queue display name. Read only for now.
CanUpdate bool If current user is authorized to update the entity values
CallAgeBonus int Age bonus applied to incoming calls to the queue.This enables prioritizing calls to specific queues by making them appear "older" than they actually are. The value ranges from 0 to 10k. While reading, the value being null indicates an internal error while processing the priority. It also indicates that the value cannot be updated by clients.


Enumeration of possible queue types

Name Value Description
NA -1 or null Missing value
UserDirect 1 Technical queue for handling incoming user calls
PersonalWork 2 Technical queue for handling incoming work number calls
ServiceQueue 4 Normal service queue available to the public
IvrQueue 5 Queue that offers IVR menus, no direct service
ShortNumber 6 Technical queue for short number handling
Technical 7 Technical queue for other technical handling


    "QueueId": "6f911c1d-7f26-43f5-99c7-d5b0d565a6d5",
    "OngoingCalls": 0,
    "QueueLength": 0,
    "ActiveAgents": 1,
    "FreeAgents": 1,
    "MaxWaitTime": 0,
    "ServingAgents": 1,
    "OpenStatus": 3,
    "AgentsOnWrapUp" : 0

Represents current status of a queue. Displays number of active calls, agents, maximum wait time etc.

Property name Value type Description
QueueId Guid Queue status relates to
ActiveAgents int Count of agents that are Active in the specific queue and are globally receiving service calls. Includes all agents regardless of their away status (=available, short-term way, long-term away)
ServingAgents int Count of agents that are available to receive calls now or "soon". Includes agents that are in a call, in paperwork mode etc. short-term away.
FreeAgents int Count of agents that are available to receive calls right now. Does not include agents that are short-term away (in a call, paperwork, etc.)
OngoingCalls int Number of calls currently ongoing through the queue
QueueLength int Number of queueing callers
MaxWaitTime int Maximum wait time in seconds of calls in the queue
OpenStatus int Queue open status estimation. Refers to QueueOpenStatus enum
AgentsOnWrapUp int Count of agents on wrap-up in the specific queue.


Enumeration for QueueStatus.OpenStatus. Status info is rather detailed, representing uncertainness when there is some around due to scripted interactions, dynamic lookups etc.

Name Value Description Default display
NA 0 Unspecified default, information unavailable None
NoActiveHandler 1 Configuration issues etc, effectively closed Closed
NoActiveHandlerUncertain 2 Possible configuration issues etc, uncertain Uncertain
Closed 3 Basic case, queue closed Closed
ClosedUncertain 4 Advanced case. Queue seems to be closed but all calls are dynamically handled Uncertain
Open 5 Basic case, queue is open Open
OpenUncertain 6 Advanced case. Queue seems to be open but all calls are dynamically handled Uncertain


    "Status": {
        "Available": true,
        "Serving": true,
        "Schedule": true,
        "Talking": false,
        "ParkedCalls": 0,
        "CanBeAllocatedTo": true,
        "ServiceTerminals": 2
    "Priority": 500,
    "QueueId": "6f911c1d-7f26-43f5-99c7-d5b0d565a6d5",
    "UserId": "d7fc439d-89a4-4df5-a26c-6e5c3b777c38",
    "Queue": null,
    "AvailabilityEvents": [
            "Note": null,
            "EndDate": null,
            "StartDate": null,
            "TransferNumber": null,
            "Timestamp": "2016-02-12T07:03:55Z",
            "UserID": "d7fc439d-89a4-4df5-a26c-6e5c3b777c38",
            "PresenceTypeID": 0,
            "EventSourceCategory": null,
            "EventSourceCategoryID": 0,
            "EventSource": null,
            "EventSourceID": 0,
            "TransferTargetID": 0,
            "EventTypeID": 0,
            "Id": null
    "User": {
        "UserName": null,
        "Name": "Test User",
        "FirstName": null,
        "Settings": null,
        "OrganizationID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "LastName": null,
        "Id": "d7fc439d-89a4-4df5-a26c-6e5c3b777c38",
        "Email": ""
    "Active": true

Represents a queue-user attachment, meaning a single user being attached to a single queue. Contains information related to the attachment, such as activity flag, priority and UserStatus entity.

Delivered containing either QueueId only or also Queue, depending on the point of view of the retrieval operation. When retriveving QueueUsers for a specific user, Queue is set but when retrieving them for a Queue, having full Queue here would be redundant

Property Value type Description
QueueId Guid Id of queue in relationship
Queue Queue Extended queue entity
UserId Guid Id of user in relationship
User User Extended user entity
Active bool If user is actively serving in given queue
Priority int? If queue uses priorities (skill levels), skill level of the user
Status UserStatus Users current status
AvailabilityEvents List<AvailabilityEvent> List of active availability events for the user


    "Priority": 500,
    "QueueId": "6f911c1d-7f26-43f5-99c7-d5b0d565a6d5",
    "UserId": "d7fc439d-89a4-4df5-a26c-6e5c3b777c38",
    "Active": true

Represents a queue-user update information.

Property Value type Description
QueueId Guid Id of queue in relationship
UserId Guid Id of user in relationship
Active bool If user is actively serving in given queue
Priority int? If queue uses priorities (skill levels), skill level of the user


    "UserId": "82f46bf4-93c1-4336-85ee-3ff472fc2f58",
    "Available": true,
    "Serving": true,
    "Schedule": true,
    "Talking": false,
    "TalkingStatusChanged": null,
    "ParkedCalls": 0,
    "CanBeAllocatedTo": true,
    "ServiceTerminals": 2,
    "WrapUpStart": null,
    "WrapUpEnd": null,
    "ServingCallback": null,
    "ActiveQueueId": null

Represents users status from queue components view. Contains information about users serving status, such as talking, available and the ultimate “can receive calls” result.

Property Value type Description
UserId Guid UserId the status relates to
CanBeAllocatedTo bool? Final decision if user can currently receive service calls
Serving bool? If user is currently accepting queue calls at all (Setting Queues_Serving)
Talking bool? If user is currently in a call, either service or direct
TalkingStatusChanged DateTime? Last time the "Talking" status changed
Available bool? If user availability currently allows allocation
Schedule bool? If user is not in OffWork state. obsolete
ServiceTerminals int? Number of terminals user has available for service calls
ParkedCalls int? Number of parked calls user currently has
WrapUpStart DateTime? The start time for automatic wrap-up timer. Empty when there is no active wrap-up.
WrapUpEnd DateTime? The end time for automatic wrap-up timer. Empty when there is no active wrap-up.
ServingCallback bool? Is user on serving callback.


Represents a single queue group in the system. Contains id, name, description. Also possibly contains a list of attached queues.

Property name Value type Description
Id Guid? Queue group id.
OrganizationalUnitId Guid? Organization id queue group belongs to.
Name string Queue group name.
Description string Optional description of the queue group.
QueueIds List<Guid> Queues attached to the group.

User information

Things related to user-specific functionality.


Accessing users is authorized with User.READ permission. Usually, users have this access to all other users in their organization.

GET /users

Returns a list of all authorized users, optionally filtered by query parameters.

GET /users/{userid}

Returns a single user by id.


    "Id": "74b14bc1-2f08-464a-bd7c-7329ad007c08",
    "UserName": "",
    "Email": "",
    "Name": "Test User",
    "FirstName": "Test",
    "LastName": "User",
    "OrganizationID": "acc3ecfc-264a-4d30-a736-3d17797d5a37"

User entity represents a single system user. It contains general information about the user, like name, email and id.

Property name Value type Description
Id Guid User id
Username string User login name
Email string User email address. Currently always the same as Username
Name string User display full name
FirstName string User first name
LastName string User last name
OrganizationID Guid Organization user belongs to
Settings void Unused


UserFilterParameters is passed as query parameters to user resource to allow searching for users based on given conditions, like emails or organization ids.

Property name Value type Description
UserEmails List<string> User emails to look up. If multiple are specified (max 10), users matching any of the supplied emails are returned
MaxCount int? Max number of entries to return (max 2500). Results are ordered by email.
Page int? The result page to return (0-indexed). Results are ordered by email.

Availability information

Things related to user availability and terminal status.


All resources operate on Availability permission. Operations require read, create, update, delete permissions on targeted user accordingly.

GET /users/{userid}/availability/current

Example result for a user who's currently having lunch

    "Note": "Lunch",
    "EndDate": "/Date(1455522300000+0200)/",
    "StartDate": "/Date(1455520500000+0200)/",
    "TransferNumber": null,
    "Timestamp": "/Date(1455519988447+0200)/",
    "UserID": "c24a0acb-8fd1-e511-874c-00155d000507",
    "PresenceTypeID": 0,
    "EventSourceCategory": "User",
    "EventSourceCategoryID": 1,
    "EventSource": "SomeUI",
    "EventSourceID": 2,
    "TransferTargetID": 1,
    "EventTypeID": 3,
    "Id": "59464b6f-c3d3-e511-874c-00155d000507",
    "IsActive": true,
    "IsUpcoming": false

Returns currently active availability events, optionally filtered by parameters. This is the appropriate endpoint if you only need the user's current availability.

GET /users/{userid}/availability/active

Example result for a user who's currently having lunch and has a meeting later in the afternoon

    "Note": "Meeting",
    "EndDate": "2016-02-15T12:00:00Z",
    "StartDate": "2016-02-15T11:15:00Z",
    "TransferNumber": null,
    "Timestamp": "2016-02-15T09:23:50Z",
    "UserID": "c24a0acb-8fd1-e511-874c-00155d000507",
    "PresenceTypeID": 0,
    "EventSourceCategory": "User",
    "EventSourceCategoryID": 1,
    "EventSource": "SomeUI",
    "EventSourceID": 2,
    "TransferTargetID": 1,
    "EventTypeID": 2,
    "Id": "2cd78edc-c5d3-e511-874c-00155d000507",
    "IsActive": false,
    "IsUpcoming": true
    "Note": "Lunch",
    "EndDate": "2016-02-15T09:45:00Z",
    "StartDate": "2016-02-15T09:15:00Z",
    "TransferNumber": null,
    "Timestamp": "2016-02-15T09:06:28Z",
    "UserID": "c24a0acb-8fd1-e511-874c-00155d000507",
    "PresenceTypeID": 0,
    "EventSourceCategory": "User",
    "EventSourceCategoryID": 1,
    "EventSource": "SomeUI",
    "EventSourceID": 2,
    "TransferTargetID": 1,
    "EventTypeID": 3,
    "Id": "59464b6f-c3d3-e511-874c-00155d000507",
    "IsActive": true,
    "IsUpcoming": false

Returns currently active and upcoming availability events, optionally filtered by parameters. Use this endpoint only if you require information about the upcoming availabilities as well.

POST /users/{userid}/availability

Example POSTing a new continous OffWork event

POST /users/c24a0acb-8fd1-e511-874c-00155d000507/availability HTTP/1.1
Date: 2016-02-15 10:17:33 GMT
Content-type: application/json
Authorization: BeneAPI dGVzdC51c2VyQHRlc3QuY29tOmcwS01XYUlEZGRWcHZoRE82TFcrZUVNS
Accept: application/json

{ "Note":"I am gone.", "EventTypeID":3, "EventSource":"Test application", "UserI

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 354
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2016 10:17:14 GMT

{"EndDate":null,"EventSource":"Test application","EventSourceCategory":"User","E
ventSourceCategoryID":0,"EventSourceID":0,"EventTypeID":3,"Id":null,"Note":"I am

Resource for creating new availability events.

EventSource property must specify integrating application's identifier, e.g. CustomCRMClient 0.1.3. This is a free string, but should be identifiable for possible troubleshooting needs.

If created event starts later, StartDate should be specified. If it's meant to begin right away, StartDate should be left null, making the server use current server time instead.

GET /users/{userid}/availability/{eventid}

Returns a single availability event by id.

PUT /users/{userid}/availability/{eventid}

Updates target event with data from request body.

DELETE /users/{userid}/availability/{eventid}

Completely deletes target availability event. Generally status should always be changed by POSTing a new availability, as simply deleting target availability can in some cases lead to unexpected resulting states for example with working hours handling.

GET /availability/

Special resource for acquiring AvailabilityEvents for multiple users simultaneously. It can be used in cases where targeted users have been specified via some channel (for example directory synchronization) and live updating is only needed for availability information.

Requires that UserIds parameter is specified in query parameters.


Example, implicit available when nothing else is specified

    "Note": null,
    "EndDate": null,
    "StartDate": null,
    "TransferNumber": null,
    "Timestamp": "2016-02-15T09:06:34Z",
    "UserID": "c24a0acb-8fd1-e511-874c-00155d000507",
    "PresenceTypeID": 0,
    "EventSourceCategory": null,
    "EventSourceCategoryID": 0,
    "EventSource": null,
    "EventSourceID": 0,
    "TransferTargetID": 0,
    "EventTypeID": 0,
    "Id": null,
    "IsActive": true,
    "IsUpcoming": false

Example, 30-minute lunch OffWork availability

    "Note": "Lunch",
    "EndDate": "2016-02-15T09:45:00Z",
    "StartDate": "2016-02-15T09:15:00Z",
    "TransferNumber": null,
    "Timestamp": "2016-02-15T09:06:28Z",
    "UserID": "c24a0acb-8fd1-e511-874c-00155d000507",
    "PresenceTypeID": 0,
    "EventSourceCategory": "User",
    "EventSourceCategoryID": 1,
    "EventSource": "SomeUI",
    "EventSourceID": 2,
    "TransferTargetID": 1,
    "EventTypeID": 3,
    "Id": "59464b6f-c3d3-e511-874c-00155d000507",
    "IsActive": true,
    "IsUpcoming": false

Example active call on a mobile terminal

    "EndDate": null,
    "EventSource": "AVA",
    "EventSourceCategory": "Call",
    "EventSourceCategoryID": 2,
    "EventSourceID": 8,
    "EventTypeID": 1,
    "Id": "ff3c28d8-00ad-e811-982e-005056aa29fb",
    "IsActive": true,
    "IsUpcoming": false,
    "Note": null,
    "PresenceTypeID": 1,
    "StartDate": "2018-08-31T09:33:01Z",
    "Timestamp": "2018-08-31T09:33:01Z",
    "TransferNumber": null,
    "TransferTargetID": 1,
    "UserID": "c24a0acb-8fd1-e511-874c-00155d000507"

Represents a single availability event for user. Contains information such as start and end time and event type (do not disturb, off work, ..). Also includes terminal statuses for user (ongoing call in mobile, MS Teams, etc. terminals).

Property Value type Description
Id Guid? Event identifier
Timestamp DateTime When event was last changed
UserID Guid User event relates to
EventSourceCategoryID int Id of event source category. Refers to EventSourceCategory
EventSourceCategory string Event source category name
PresenceTypeID int PresenceTypeID
EventSourceID int Identifier for a single event source. Technical information
EventSource string Indicates which technical component created the availability. Must be populated when creating new availability events, but is not usually interesting when displaying them to the user.
EventTypeID int Event main type, the most important property. Refers to EventTypeID.
EventType string Event type display name
StartDate DateTime? Event start date. Can be null for implicit events, e.g. an ongoing available status when no explicit availability is defined
EndDate DateTime? Event specified end date. Null end date indicates an ongoing event that is active until explicitly ended.
Note string User-defined event note
IsActive bool? If event is currently active. Makes it easier to handle events when server and client times are not exactly in sync. New in v4.8.0
IsUpcoming bool? If event is scheduled for later. Makes it easier to handle events when server and client times are not exactly in sync. New in v4.8.0
TransferTargetID int Deprecated and unused
TransferTarget string Deprecated and unused
TransferNumber string Number incoming calls should be transferred to. Currently unused


Base types availability events can describe. These relate to displayed availability, call control etc.

Name Value Description Direct calls offered Service calls offered
Available 0 User is available. If no explicit availability is set, user is considered available Yes Yes
Busy 1 Informational busy state, does not affect call control. yes yes
DND 2 Do not disturb, blocks incomincg calls no no
OffWork 3 User is not working only calls to mobile number no
BRB 4 Be right back, does not affect call control. yes yes
Away 5 Away, does not affect call control. yes yes


PresenceType tells if availability event is for user availability or terminal status.

Value Description
0 User availability, means that the availability is directly affecting the user
1 Describes MS Teams terminal state. Can describe that there is a call ongoing in MS Teams terminal in combination with EventSourceCategory Call, or that MS Teams sent an availability change request.
2 Mobile terminal state. Describes that there is an ongoing call in mobile terminal in combination with EventSourceCategory Call
3 Voip terminal state (Voice for Windows, Voice for Browser, generic hardphone, generic softphone)


Enumeration specifying valid event source categories.

Name Value Description
Undefined 0 Undefined
User 1 User-created events that directly affect user availability
Call 2 Call-based events, indicate that there is a call in a terminal in combination with PresenceTypeId
Calendar 3 Calendar-based events. Currently unused.



A set of parameters used to filter availability events. Can be passed as query parameter for example to fetch only user-specific status, no terminal statuses.

Property name Value type Description
PresenceTypeIds List<int> Only return events with given presence type ids. Usually used to restrict to type 0 only.



Parameters for querying multiple users availability with a single request

Property name Value type Description
PresenceTypeIds List<int> Only return events with given presence type ids. Usually used to restrict to type 0 only.
UserIds List<Guid> Targeted user ids
IncludeUpcoming bool If upcoming events should be included

Sample use cases

Sample below describes the returned availability states alongside user actions.

Sample availability sequence

User settings information


Authenticated users need to have permission read and update settings on target user. Permissions can be configured to other users as well, so it is possible for a user to manage settings of a completely different user.

There are three levels of permissions required for settings. Each setting is mapped to a single level and read/update rights are enforced accordingly:

GET /users/{userid}/settings

Returns a list of settings for a user, optionally filtered by query parameters.

POST /users/{userid}/settings

Updates a collection of setting values for a user. User must have sufficient rights on target user.

GET /users/{userid}/settings/{keyword}

Returns a single setting by its keyword.

PUT /users/{userid}/settings/{keyword}

Updates a single setting by keyword.


  "Keyword": "General_Language",
  "Value": "en-GB",
  "Level": 1,
  "Metadata": {
    "AllowedValues": null,
    "ValidationRegex": "^$|^[a-z]{2}(-[A-Z]{2})?$"
  "UserID": "4db76201-946c-47dc-96f5-b0465decb9ae",
  "Delete": false

Setting represents a single user setting. All user setting are represented as key-value pairs. Specific usage of each setting is described separately. Setting entity contains setting keyword, users configured value, permissioning related SettingLevel, helpful SettingMetadata entity and UserID setting relates to.

Property name Value type Description
Keyword string Setting keyword
Value string Setting value. Null if 'Values' is set.
Values Dictionary Setting values for advanced setting. Null if 'Value' is set.
Level SettingLevel Setting level for authorization
Metadata SettingMetadata Setting metadata for validation
UserID Guid User this setting instance relates to
Delete bool Deletion request in bulk operations, unused



Filter for fetching settings. Allows fetching multiple settings and their values with one request.

Property name Value Type Description
SettingKeyword List<string> List of keywords to return


    "AllowedValues": null,
    "ValidationRegex": "^$|^[a-z]{2}(-[A-Z]{2})?$"
  "AllowedValues": {
    "Switch_On": "1",
    "Switch_Off": "0"
  "ValidationRegex": null

Provides metadata about settings intended value (if applicable), like a list of allowed values or a validation regular expression.

Property name Value type Description
AllowedValues Dictionary<string, string> Allowed values for setting. Key is the display key that can be used for localizations, value is the actual value
ValidationRegex string A regex string used for validating input values


Enumeration for setting levels.

Name Value Description
Undefined 0 Undefined, for backwards compatibility
User 1 User level setting
Administrator 50 Administrator level setting
System 100 System level setting

Relevant settings for integrators

There are many settings used for different things. Integration components do not usually need to care about most of them, unless the integration deals with actually managing all the settings.

Table below describes some commonly usable setting keywords and their intended usage.

Setting Description Sample value
General_Language User's preferred UI language and culture as either 2-char language only tag, or 5-char language-region tag fi-FI
General_Region User's Olson timezone Europe/Helsinki
General_QuickAvailabilities List of quick availabilities for user See Quick availabilities
Numbering_Number_VoiceMail User's national voicemail number +358409207000
Numbering_Number_Gsm User's mobile number in E.164 format +358501231234
Numbering_Number_Work User's primary work number in E.164 format +358101231234

Whether the language and region configuration should be used or not depends on the use case. For standalone clients or integrations, especially when the user can reasonably recognize that they are using their Enreach account, it usually makes sense to fetch the configuration and apply it. If the API is used as a transparent backend and the information displayed in some other UI, or simply handled in background completely, using them is obviously not necessary.

Quick availabilities

<av txt="Free" code="0" dur="" note="" tnum="" />
<av txt="Very busy" code="2" dur="60" note="Do Not Disturb" tnum="+3581231234" />
<av txt="Lunch" code="3" dur="30" note="At lunch" tnum="" />

Quick availabilities are pre-defined "one-click" availability activations. They are meant to give users a quick way to activate their most used use cases. Their configuration is provisioned behind the scenes and is read-only over the API.

The configuration is stored and returned as a setting value as XML (not affected by HTTP request's serialization). The XML is a list of individual availabilities. Each element describes the kind of availability event that should be sent by the client to the API when the element is activated.

See sample configuration for the exact format. Availability attributes are defined as follows:

Attribute name Description
txt Freetext display name for the selection. This should the text user sees, but should not be sent in the availability event.
code Availability code that the selection describes. Match EventTypeID values and goes to EventTypeID property in created event. This should affect the looks of the "button"
dur Availability duration in minutes. If empty or missing, the event is created as continuous. If > 0, EndTime should be calculated based on current time and this duration
note Freetext Note included in the created availability. This is visible to other's viewing the user
tnum TransferNumber, controls where incoming calls should transfer to when the availability is active

Example quick availability, "go free"

<av txt="Free" code="0" dur="" note="" tnum="" />

Example activation

    "EventSource":"Test application",

Example quick availability, "go free"

<av txt="Very busy" code="2" dur="60" note="Do Not Disturb" tnum="+3581231234" />

Example activation (with pseudo start and end times)

    "EventSource":"Test application",
    "Note":"Do Not Disturb",

User status information

These endpoints directly expose UserStatus information.

GET /users/queue-status/{userId}

Returns the current UserStatus for the target user.

Authorized with QueueUser.READ on the target user.

GET /users/queue-status

Returns UserStatus for all users the requester is authorized to access (max 1000). The response may be further filtered by the UserStatusFilterParameters.

Authorized with QueueUser.READ.


Query parameter definitions.

Property Data type Example query param Description
InQueue bool? true Return users that are attached to any queue

External services

EnreachAPI has a mechanism to provide users access to other configured services via token-based login urls. Users service bindings are managed in administration interface. Public API provides resources that list available bindings for the user, and to request a login token to specified service.

Externality means that the service is external to EnreachAPI. Other Enreach products such as Reporting are accessed via this mechanism. It can also be used to access other systems that support token-based login.

Normal use case would be to fetch a list of configured services for user. These do not change frequently and should be cached. When a user wants to access one of the systems, the application requests a login link from EnreachAPI and redirects the user to the received address when complete.

GET /authuser/{userid}/services

Request service list:

GET /authuser/12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB/services

Returns a list of external services that have been configured for the user.

POST /authuser/{userid}/services/{serviceid}/login

Request a login token for a service:

POST /authuser/12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB/services/47E828C7-9FB2-4FE0-B5D5-7CDA62AD1CCF/login

Generates a token-based login url to the targeted service. The contained url can be used to access the system.

Actual url lifetime and validity depends on the implementing application, but it should be considered rapidly expiring and single-use only unless explicitly noted otherwise.


    "ServiceType": 2,
    "ServiceId": "47E828C7-9FB2-4FE0-B5D5-7CDA62AD1CCF",
    "UserId": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB",
    "ServiceUsername": "anything",
    "ServiceName": "Reports",
    "Information": {
        "BrowsingMode": "Embed"

A single user-service binding entity.

Property Data type Description
ServiceId Guid Service identifier
ServiceType int Service technical type. Determines the SSO mechanism used. UIs and integrations do not usually need to do anything with this.
ServiceRole int? Service role in organization. Used for marking services implementing some default behavior of environment in an external system. Used to auto-manage the bindings when provisioning users as well as auto-generate UI features based on the services provided by specific services. When value is null, service is not used in any default product role.
ServiceName string User-visible name for the service.
ServiceUsername string Users username in target service. Normally not relevant.
UserId Guid Id of user binding is configured for
Information ExternalServiceInformation Extra information about user binding

Values for ServiceType are:

Value for ServiceRole are:


Class providing extra usage information about UserExternalService.

Property Data type Description
BrowsingMode BrowsingMode Some external services need browser extensions, unsupported in embedded browser controls in client. This property indicates if services should be opened in embedded or external browser


Enumeration for possible BrowsingMode values

Value Description
Undefined Undefined, default value. No preference.
Embed Should be embedded
Browser Should be opened in an actual browser


    "LoginUrl": ""

A single login url container.

Property Data type Example value Description
LoginUrl string login/?token=1234 Absolute login url that the user can open and get direct access to target service

Directory information

Stuff related to directory information. An organization can have several directories for different use cases (internal users, external partners etc).


Directories are permissioned with one permission, Directory. Read flag indicates that user has permission to read directory and its contents. Create/Update/Delete flags refer to directory entries, granting manipulation rights:

Technical entries are entries that correspond to a user or a queue in the system. Some of the properties of these entries are automatically managed, and cannot be updated manually. Similarly these entries cannot be directly deleted.

Non-technical entries are informational entries created to the directory for convenient access.

GET /directory

Returns all authorized directories without their contents.

GET /directory/{directoryid}

Returns a single directory including its contents. If no explicit filtering is applied, first 25 entries are returned.

GET /directory/{directoryid}/entries/{entryid}

Returns a single directory entry by id from given directory.

POST /directory/personal

Creates presonal directory.

POST /directory/entries/search

Search entries from all/specified directories with given parameters.

POST /directory/{directoryid}/entries

Create a new entry to target directory

PUT /directory/{directoryid}/entries/{entryid}

Updates targeted entity with provided content.

DELETE /directory/{directoryid}

Deletes given directory. The directory must be owned by a user (personal directory).

DELETE /directory/{directoryId}/entries/{directoryEntryId}

Deletes entry from a given directory.

DELETE /directory/{directoryId}/entries

Deletes all entries from given directory


    "SourceId": "Generated:DAL",
    "Name": "Default",
    "OrganizationalUnitId": "e9403282-18f3-4922-8b8f-1221b2f1e8fb",
    "ID": "6a15ddb8-e272-4699-9e0c-fc4881dc83d3",
    "Entries": null

Represents an entire directory, containing its id, name, source information and possibly a list of DirectoryEntries.

Property name Value type Description
ID Guid Id
Name string Display name
Default bool If the directory is a default system-generated directory or a custom one
SourceId string Free-form source id, can be customized if full directories are imported from an external source
OrganizationalUnitId Guid Organization directory belongs to
Entries List<DirectoryEntry> Related entries


    "MobileNumber": "+358501231234",
    "Group": "Deployment",
    "FirstName": "Test",
    "City": "Helsinki",
    "LastName": "User",
    "Location": "HQ",
    "Department": "Production",
    "Id": "701da8d3-08a3-4b87-96a0-caf3d2fe73be",
    "Email": "",
    "OtherNumber": "",
    "Description": "Some test user",
    "Subcompany": "Spinoff",
    "Company": "Customer",
    "Title": "Master",
    "UserId": "01881619-fcf2-452c-a449-7d6474cf840f",
    "ProfileImageUrl": null,
    "Address": "",
    "Superior": "",
    "WorkNumber": "+358101231234",
    "CustomFields": [
            "Key": "Field 1",
            "Value": "Value 1"
            "Key": "Custom field 2",
            "Value": "Value 2"
    "Country": "Finland",
    "Modified": "2015-12-10T09:22:21Z",
    "ExternalId": null,
    "Team": "",
    "PostalCode": "",
    "DirectoryId": "f24a6afe-f26e-45cf-9ded-60bf87e50cff",
    "Availabilities": [],
    "EntryType": 1,
    "Substitute": ""

Represents a single entry in a directory. Contains many fields to store different kinds of user/service pool/other information, such as organization structure (company, subcompany, location etc.), title, substitute, phone numbers etc. Can also include current availability status if the entry is related to a system user.

Protected column indicates that the property cannot be updated for technical entries.

Searched column indicates if query is targeted when searching for entries. Always means that it is always searched always, req means that it is only searched when QueryAllFields parameter is set. Empty value means that it is not searched at all.

Property name Value type Max Length Description Protected Search
Id Guid - Entry id Yes
DirectoryId Guid - Directory entry belongs to Yes
EntryType int? - Entry type Yes
UserId Guid - Id of the technical entity, either Queue or User depending on EntryType Yes
ExternalId string - External correlation id for imported entries
Email string 100 Email address Yes Always
FirstName string 100 Yes Always
LastName string 100 Yes Always
PhoneticName string 200 Phonetic name Req
Description string 1000 Free description field Req
Title string 100 Always
WorkNumber string 100 Related work number Yes Always
MobileNumber string 100 Mobile number Yes Always
OtherNumber string 100 Other custom number Req
Company string 100 Company name Req
Subcompany string 100 Always
Location string 100 Always
Department string 100 Always
Group string 100 Req
Team string 100 Req
Superior string 100 Req
Substitute string 100 Req
Address string 100 Req
PostalCode string 100 Req
City string 100 Req
Country string 100 Req
ProfileImageUrl string 100 Url to users profile image, if set Yes
Modified DateTime - When the entry was last modified
Availabilities List<AvailabilityEvent> - List of current availability events for the entry, if it corresponds to a user
CustomFields Dictionary<string, string> Key: 100, Value: 1000 Extra CustomFields information.

CustomFields special handling

There is some special treatment for following custom field keys

Key Description
PersonStatus Value is displayed in Voice for Windows directory listing instead of 'Title'. This can be used if there is need to show status of 3rd party system for a contact.

Entry types

Type Description
null Treated the same as 3
1 User entry, refers to a technical user in the system
2 Service pool, technical queue in the system
3 Other, user-created entry



A set of parameters used to filter fetched directory entities. Contains freeform string parameters matched against all available fields. It is also possible to fetch specific availability types for entries representing users, allowing bulk-retrieval of device and user availability. Also implements paging.

Property name Value Type Description
AvailabilityTypes List<int> Availability types to fetch. Refers to PresenceTypeIds (0, 1, 2) = terminals
EntryTypes List<int> Return only specific entry types. Refers to DirectoryEntry.EntryType (1, 2, 3).
MaxCount int? Maximum number of entries to return
Page int? Requested page number
Query List<string> Query terms to search with. Each term must match.
UserId Guid? Searches entry for a specific user
Number string Phone number to search with. Exact matches number fields
QueryAllFields bool? If search should target all fields or only the default subset
DirectoryIds List<Guid> Directory ids to search (when applicable)

Unsplit, "User name" is used as search term


Split, "User" and "name" are used as individual terms that must both match but individually.


Profile image handling

Resource provides access to managing user profile image. Profile image itself is stored in user’s personal directory entry in company main directory. This resource provides operations for adding a new image and deleting an existing one.

PUT /users/{userid}/profileimage

Accepts a binary stream of image data intended for use as user profile image. Supported formats are jpg, png and gif. Content length can be at most 2MB (by default, may vary).

DELETE /users/{userid}/profileimage

Deletes whatever image currently set for target user


Property Data type Description
ImageUrl string Absolute url to profile image


GET /users/{userid}/communication/sms/rights

Example SMS check

GET /users/974ae113-5ea1-e411-9536-00155d000507/communication/sms/rights

A resource for checking if current user is generally allowed to send SMS.

Checks user configuration and returns a SmsRights with CanSend = true if sending is possible.

POST /users/{userid}/communication/sms

Example SMS sending

POST /users/974ae113-5ea1-e411-9536-00155d000507/communication/sms

"TargetNumber": "+358501231234",
"SourceNuber": "+358404004000",
"SmsText": "This is the message to send"

A resource for sending text messages via SMS gateway provider(s) used by Enreach infrastructure.

Receives SMS send request, verifies that user has rights to send the SMS generally, and specially to the target number’s country code, possibly rejecting messages to service numbers.

Sent SMS are billed from the specified SourceNumber.


Example message object

    "TargetNumber": "+358501231234",
    "SourceNuber": "+358404004000",
    "SmsText": "This is the message to send"

Describes the SMS message to be sent.

Property Data type Description
TargetNumber string Target number. Must be in normalized E.164 format, starting with + and country code.
SourceNumber string Optional. Must match user’s mobile or work number. If not provided the mobile number is used, otherwise the work number.
SmsText string Message text to send. Maximum total of resulting SMS messages (160 characters, special characters may take more than one space) must be 5 or less.


Example response when sending was successful

    "OK": true,
    "ErrorDesc": null,
    "Error": null

Result for sms sending request

Property Data type Description
OK bool If true the message was sent forward.
Error string Freeform error reason.
ErrorDesc string Possible extra information about the error.


Example response when sending is allowed

  "CanSend": true,
  "NamedSourceNumbers": [
      "key": "Numbering_Number_Gsm",
      "value": "+44720337390"
      "key": "Numbering_Number_Work",
      "value": "+441946765512"
      "key": "Internal Team (+599182366704262)",
      "value": "+599182366704262"
  "SourceNumbers": [

Response object to sms rights request

Property Data type Description
CanSend bool If user can generally send sms
NamedSourceNumbers List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> Valid numbers to be used as SourceNumber, with localizable friendly name for each. Keys are localizable names, values are the actual numbers.
SourceNumbers List<string> Valid numbers to be used as SourceNumber. Kept for backwards-compatibility, NamedSourceNumbers property should be preferred.

Callback information

Entities related to callback lists and individual callback requests.

Each customer can have a number of CallbackLists, which collect individual callback requests.

Each request can have a number of CallbackAttempts. These describe individual attempts to handle the request. Once an attempt with Close type is created, request is treated as closed and is not returned in default listings.


There are three relevant permissions that can be applied per callback list.

Permissions are usually applied in three "preset roles":

GET /callbacks

Get all authorized callback lists. Contained requests are not returned.

GET /callbacks/{listid}

Gets a single list by id. Includes contained CallbackRequests that match given filter. Returns at most 250 requests.

GET /callbacks/{listid}/requests

Returns filtered requests from target list. Preferred way to fetch list content, when information about the list itself is not required.

POST /callbacks/{listId}/requests

Create a new callback request.

POST /callbacks/{listId}/requests/batch

Creates multiple requests with one call. At most 100 requests are accepted in one batch.

Batch is handled atomically - if any single request is invalid or fails for some reason, the entire batch is discarded and error message returned.

Sample mini-batch with possible input values

        <ChannelIn>Channel name</ChannelIn>
        <ContactMessage>Contact message</ContactMessage>
        <ContactName>Contact name</ContactName>
        <ExtraInformation xmlns:a="">
                <a:Name>Sample key</a:Name>
                <a:Value>Sample value</a:Value>

GET /callbacks/{listid}/requests/{requestid}

Gets a single request by id. Includes related CallbackAttempts.

PUT /callbacks/{listid}/requests/{requestid}

Updates targeted callback request with content from request body.

DELETE callbacks/{listid}/requests/{requestid}

Deletes targeted callback request completely. This is unusual, intended way is to close the request by POSTing a new Close callback attempt.

POST /callbacks/{listId}/requests/{requestId}/auto-assign

Executes configured behavior for assigning the request to the calling agent.

Always assigns the issue to the agent, unless it is assigned to someone already which returns 409 Conflict.

Depending on list configuration, may automatically create a nested CallbackAttempt of type InProgress. It is used to ensure that whenever a call is initiated for this request, it is transitioned correctly regardless of what the agent taps in the UI.

Depending on list configuration, the returned CallbackRequest item may also have the ClientAutoClose boolean set to true. If this is the case, the client should automatically close the item after the agent completes the initiated call.

GET /callbacks/{listid}/requests/{requestid}/attempts

Returns all attempts relating to given request

POST /callbacks/{listid}/requests/{requestid}/attempts

Creates a new callback attempt under target request.

GET /callbacks/{listid}/requests/{requestid}/attempts/{attemptid}

Returns a single specified callback attempt.

PUT /callbacks/{listid}/requests/{requestid}/attempts/{attemptid}

Updates a single attempt.

DELETE /callbacks/{listid}/requests/{requestid}/attempts/{attemptid}

Completely deletes target callback attempt.

GET /callbacks/{listid}/users

Returns all bindings relating to given callbacklist. Requires CallListManage READ permission for the given target list.

GET /callbacks/{listid}/users/{userid}

Returns a binding relating to given callbacklist and user. Requires CallListManage READ permission for the given target list.

Example Example JSON serialization of a CallListMember

  "ListId": "4ad13bbd-82e5-4f5f-a898-7a5af35684fd",
  "ListName": "Test list",
  "UserId": "e272c88b-febd-4136-86b8-34ac854bc0b9",
  "UserName": "",
  "Active": "false",
  "Modified": "2019-08-15T13:34:45.9160524Z"

GET /callbacks/{listid}/users/available

Returns all members that can be binded to given callbacklist. Requires CallListManage READ permission for the given target list.

PUT /callbacks/{listid}/users/{userid}

Creates or updates the binding relating to given callbacklist and user. Requires CallListManage UPDATE permission for the given target list.

Example usage with APIClient

CallListMember entity = new CallListMember()
    UserId = AuthUser.UserID,
    ListId = callbackList.Id,
    Active = "true"

DELETE /callbacks/{listid}/users/{userid}

Deletes a binding relating to given callbacklist and user. Requires CallbackCallListManage UPDATE permission for the given target list.

GET /callbacks/status

Get all authorized callback lists status. Does not populate list members. If OnlyForUser parameter is specified, requester must be the target user. Otherwise 401 will be returned.

GET /callbacks/{listid}/status

Gets a single authorized list status by id. Populates list members.

POST /callbacks/auto-allocation-request

Returns and allocates next best callback request for the user. When client enables callbacklist serving user setting it should then request a callback using this endpoint for user to handle. If client receives 404 NotFound and user's callbacklist serving is enabled it should periodically check using this endpoint if request is found for handling. If user's availability changes to DND or OffWork client should skip the periodic checking until availability changes to other than DND or OffWork.

POST /callbacks/{listId}/requests/{requestId}/reject

Executes for rejecting the request to the calling agent. If it is not assigned to the calling agent, returns 409 Conflict. When a callback request is allocated to the client then a user should have a possibility to reject the callback. If user rejects the callback then the client should also disable the callbacklist serving user setting as well.

GET /callbacks/me/requests

Returns all callback requests or empty list to calling agent from all allowed callbacklists where agent is attached. CallbackFilterParameters parameters is used for filtering.


  "CallbackRequests": null,
  "Id": "e272c88b-febd-4136-86b8-34ac854bc0b9",
  "OrganizationID": "581cb1f7-c51b-44cd-8bfa-8197fdacae94",
  "Name": "Callback list 1"

A single list containing callback requests. A customer can have any number of these for different use cases.

Property name Value type Description
Id Guid? List identifier
OrganizationID Guid? Organization list belongs to
Name string List display name
CallbackRequests List<CallbackRequest> Relevant callback requests


  "CallbackAttempts": [
      "UserName": "Test User",
      "Timestamp": "2017-10-13T13:36:20Z",
      "UserId": "11112234-4444-5555-6666-999988887777",
      "Note": "",
      "CallbackRequestId": "e934c1ee-4798-e711-80ce-00505689257e",
      "CallbackAttemptType": 0,
      "CallbackListId": null,
      "Id": "7e74e87e-1bb0-e711-80ce-00505689257e"
      "UserName": "Test User",
      "Timestamp": "2017-10-13T13:35:35Z",
      "UserId": "11112234-4444-5555-6666-999988887777",
      "Note": "",
      "CallbackRequestId": "e934c1ee-4798-e711-80ce-00505689257e",
      "CallbackAttemptType": 3,
      "CallbackListId": null,
      "Id": "f791e963-1bb0-e711-80ce-00505689257e"
  "Id": "379e0408-c18c-4707-8ba3-6d201d245c63",
  "CallbackListId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "ContactName": "Sample user",
  "ContactNumber": "+358501231234",
  "ContactMessage": "Sample topic",
  "Note": null,
  "AssignedUserId": "11112234-4444-5555-6666-999988887777",
  "ChannelIn": "Asiakasrekisteri",
  "AssignedUserName": null,
  "ClosingTime": "2017-10-13T13:36:20Z",
  "CreationTime": "2017-09-13T05:53:56Z",
  "CallbackAttempCount": 0,
  "LastAttemptType": 3,
  "LastAttemptDatetime": "2017-10-13T13:36:20Z",
  "LastAttemptNote": "",
  "RecordingId": null,
  "TranscriptId": null,
  "RequestTypeId": 1,
  "DueDate": null,
  "CallId": null,
  "ClassificationId": "3373786f-7e98-e711-80ce-00505689257",
  "CalculatedPriority": "000.0194831041.0194786461.0194831101",
  "RelatedItems": [
      "Id": "0916d9af-0ffb-e911-ae63-645d86a0c4da",
      "ListId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "IsClosed": false,
      "StatusId": null
  "ExtraInformation": [
      "Name": "Random extra info snippet 1",
      "Value": "Foo"
      "Name": "Additional extra info",
      "Value": "Bar"
<CallbackRequest xmlns:i="">
                    <UserName>Test User</UserName>
                    <CallbackListId i:nil="true"/>
                    <UserName>Test User</UserName>
    <ChannelIn>Customer registry</ChannelIn>
    <ContactMessage>Sample topic</ContactMessage>
    <ContactName>Sample user</ContactName>
    <ExtraInformation xmlns:a="">
                    <a:Name>Random extra info snippet 1</a:Name>
                    <a:Name>Additional extra info</a:Name>
    <Note i:nil="true"/>
    <RecordingId i:nil="true"/>
    <TranscriptId i:nil="true"/>
    <RelatedItems xmlns:a="">

A single callback request. Contains information about the client that left the request, like name, email and phone number.

Property name Value type Description
Id Guid? Request identifier
CallbackListId Guid? Callback list request belongs to
RequestTypeId byte? Request type. Refers to CallbackRequestType
ContactName string Name of related contact
ContactNumber string Contact phone number
ContactMessage string Contract freeform message
Note string Internal note about the request
AssignedUserId Guid? Assigned user id
AssignedUserName string Username of assigned user. Deprecated, not populated automatically.
DueDate DateTime? When request is due
ExpiryDate DateTime? When request expires
ChannelIn string Channel request came from (queue number dialled..)
CreationTime DateTime? When the request was created
Modified DateTime? When request was last modified
NotBefore DateTime? Do not handle this before this time
HandleAllocatedBefore DateTime? Start handling before this time. Only with "auto-allocation-request" endpoint.
MaxAllocatedTimeSec int? Maximum seconds the autoallocated request may be unhandled (call out not started) before it may be alloceted to someone else.
AllocationReferenceTime DateTime? Timestamp set by the server when the allocation was done. For helping synchronizing when the HandleAllocatedBefore elapses in client time (in case clocks do not match)
ClosingTime DateTime? Calculated value when request was closed, based on container attempts
CallbackAttemptCount int? Number of relevant callback attempts
LastAttemptType CallbackAttemptType? Last attempt type
LastAttempUserId Guid? Last attempt user id
LastAttemptDateTime DateTime? Timestamp of last callback attempt
RecordingId Guid? Id of related call recording
TranscriptId Guid? Id of related call transcript
CallId Guid? Call id request was generated from (if available)
CallbackAttempts List<CallbackAttempt> Relevant callback attempts
ExtraInformation List<CallbackRequestExtra> Extra information
Unassign bool? Request that the request be unassigned. Used for partial PUT updates
DueDateDelete bool? Request that due date should be cleared. Used for partial PUT updates.
ExpiryDateDelete bool? Used in updates to clear expiry date
TriggerNotifications bool? Used when creating (or manipulating) the request. Used to instruct that the operation should trigger any configured notifications (notify list owner, assigned user etc). Notification logic is configured separately for targeted call list. This flag only instructs that the checks should be done. If no notifications have been configured, none will be sent even if this flag is set. Do not assume that notifications are bundled - each modification with this trigger on will send a message to configured targets. Generally this should only be used when the item is created to avoid excess messaging.
ClientAutoClose bool? Used when calling the auto-assign endpoint for a request. If set to true, the client should skip the "what happened to the call" phase after the agent completes a call regarding this request and automatically mark the item successfully closed instead.
LastModifiedUserId Guid? Id of the user that made the last modification to the request. This value is null when system has made the modification.
CalculatedPriority string Calculated priority string that can be used to sort the callback requests. When ordering by Ascending the lowest priority item will be first on the list and when ordering by Descending the highest priority item will be first on the list.
RelatedItems List<CallbackRequestRelatedItem> All related callback requests.
DefaultTagSchemaId Guid? Id of the tag schema that is binded for this request. Id is null if tag schema binding is not found.


"Name": "Sample key",
"Value": "Some value"

Custom extra data for callback. Simple key-value pairs with no semantic meaning.

Property name Value type Description
Name string Property name
Value string Property value


  "Id": "919b8447-b110-457c-a6d7-c8940040774e",
  "CallbackListId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "CallbackRequestId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "UserId": "22870c14-f08e-4276-82d8-5e030bdc3617",
  "UserName": "",
  "Timestamp": "2016-02-15T13:34:45.9160524Z",
  "CallbackAttemptType": 3,
  "Note": "Did not answer"

An attempt to fulfill the callback request. Contains information about whether the attempt was succesfull, and if not, why it failed (call went to voicemail etc).

Property name Value type Description
Id Guid? Attempt id
CallbackListId Guid? List related request belongs to
CallbackRequestId Guid? Request attempt belongs to
UserId Guid? User that created the attempt
Timestamp DateTime? Attempt timestamp
CallbackAttemptType CallbackAttemptType Attempt type
Note string User-provided note



Filter object used to search for callback requests with varied criteria.

Property name Value type Description
MaxCount int? Maximum number of events to return. Max 250 requests.
PageNumber int? Page number for paging
ContactNameOrNumber string Contact name/number search string
ContactMessage string Search string for contact message
ChannelIn string Search string for ChannelIn
StartDate DateTime? Created after given time
EndDate DateTime? Created before given time
DueDateBefore DateTime? Where due date is set and is before given value
DueDateAfter DateTime? Where due date is set and is after given value
DueDateMissing bool? Where due date is not set
ExpiryBefore DateTime? Where expiry date is before given date
ExpiryAfter DateTime? Where expiry date is after given date
ExpiryMissing bool? Where expiry date is not set
ModifiedBefore DateTime? Where item was modified before given value
ModifiedAfter DateTime? Where item was modified after given value
RequestTypes List<byte> If set, return only requests of given types. Correspond to CallbackRequestType
AssignedTo Guid? Filter requests assigned to specific user by id
AssignedToUsername string Filter requests assigned to specific user by username
Order string Order requests by 'creationtime' (default), 'calculatedpriority'
SelectedAssignmentStatusString string Events in selected status only. Multiple assigment statuses can be given by using comma separation for status strings e.g Unassigned,AssignedToMe
SelectedCallbackRequestStatusString string Events in selected statuses only
LastAttemptTypesString List<string> Requests with specified types as last type


Types of attempts that can be created. Different meanings for reporting/informational use, two main logical types (closing and not closing).

Name Value Description
Unknown -1 Unknown value
CloseSuccessful 0 Closes request, handled successfully
CloseUnsuccessful 1 Closes request, was not handled
Busy 2 Contact was busy
NoAnswer 3 Contact did not answer
OtherAnswered 4 Voicemail, switchboard or some other target answered
Other 5 Other unspecified
Noattempts 6 No attempts have been made. Used for filtering requests.
CloseExpired 7 Closes request, expired


Different types for callback requests

Name Value Description
Unknown 0 Unknown value. Provided for backwards compatibility, should be disregarded
Callback 1 Callback item
Overflow 2 Overflow item
CallList 3 Call list item
Any 50 Symbolic "any". Requests cannot actually be this type, used for filtering


Possible statuses callback request can be in. Used for searching.

Name Value Description
Unknown -1 Unknown value
Opened 0 Request is open, waiting to be handled
SuccessfullyClosed 1 Request was closed as successful
UnsuccessfullyClosed 2 Request was closed as unsuccessful
ExpiredClosed 3 Closed as expired


"Id": "0916d9af-0ffb-e911-ae63-645d86a0c4da",
"IsClosed": "false"
"StatusId": "null"

Single callback request relation.

Name Value Description
Id Guid? Related request id.
ListId Guid? Related request list id.
IsClosed bool? If the related request is already closed.
StatusId int? Last attempts raw status id. Null if no last attempt.


Name Value Description
Unknown -1 Unknown value
Unassigned 0 Unassigned
AssignedToSomebody 1 Assigned to someone
AssignedToMe 2 Assigned to calling user


  "ListId": "4ad13bbd-82e5-4f5f-a898-7a5af35684fd",
  "ListName": "Test list",
  "UserId": "e272c88b-febd-4136-86b8-34ac854bc0b9",
  "UserName": "",
  "UserFullName": "Test User",
  "Active": "true",
  "Status": null,
  "Modified": "2019-08-15T13:34:45.9160524Z"

A single entry containing callback list user.

Property name Value type Description
ListId Guid? CallbackList identifier
ListName string CallbackList name. Display only.
UserId Guid? User identifier
UserName string Username (email). Display only.
UserFullName string Users full name. Display only.
Active bool? Indicates if user is active in the callback list.
Status UserStatus Users current status.
Modified DateTime? Read-only information when entry is last modified.



Filter object used to search for callback lists status with varied criteria.

Property name Value type Description
OnlyForUser Guid? Return only lists status where given user is serving.


  "ListId": "4ad13bbd-82e5-4f5f-a898-7a5af35684fd",
  "OrganizationId": "e4ffa825-cbb7-4386-a178-ffee5eba48da",
  "ListName": "Test list",
  "IsAutoAllocate": "true",
  "TotalOpenRequests": "1",
  "TotalFreeForAllocation": "2",
  "TotalAssigned": "0",
  "TotalHidingNotBefore": "0",
  "NextHourRevealedNotBefore": "0",
  "TotalOverDueDate": "0",
  "NextHourOverDueDate": "0",
  "TotalActiveAgents": "0",
  "TotalAutoAllocateAgents": "0",
  "TotalServingAgents": "1",
  "TotalServingAutoAllocateAgents": "0",
  "ExpiresIn24h": "0"

A single entry containing callback list status.

Property name Value type Description
ListId Guid? CallbackList identifier
OrganizationId Guid? Organization list belongs to
ListName string CallbackList name. Display only.
Members List<CallListMember> Call list members.
IsAutoAllocate int If the CallbackList is AutoAllocate list
TotalOpenRequests int Total number open unhandled requests
TotalFreeForAllocation int Total number of requests that can be allocated
TotalAssigned int Total number of requests that are currently assigned to an agent
TotalHidingNotBefore int Total number of requests that are not allocable due NotBefore has not elapsed
NextHourRevealedNotBefore int Total number of requests that will be allocable during next hour
TotalOverDueDate int Total number of requests that are already over DueDate
NextHourOverDueDate int Total number of requests that will be past DueDate during next hour
TotalActiveAgents int Total "Active" ("checked" in the list, not necessary serving) agents in the queue.
TotalAutoAllocateAgents int Total number of Agents "Active" and "Serving_CallbackLists"
TotalServingAgents int Total number of agents having "Serving_CallbackLists" = 1
TotalServingAutoAllocateAgents int Total immediately AutoAllocable agents. Agent must be "Active" and "Serving_CallbackLists", and the list must be "IsAutoAllocate"
ExpiresIn24h int Number of requests that will expire today


This part describes schemas and operations for collecting classification data about various entities, such as calls and call list items.

Basic idea is that TagSchemas describe "templates" for classification. It is a simple description of a UI that the user must traverse and input necessary information. The schemas can be managed over the API, but are usually read-only for integration cases and used as-is.

Basic integration would read available schemas for the active user, cache them for a time and render classification forms when needed.

Individual classification instances are created and managed in separate endpoints.

Various things can be classified. Usually they relate to calls or call list items, but it's not a technical requirement. For call classification, however, the client should be aware of Core CallId for the call. This can be acquired in various ways (SIP signalling, GET /callmanagement/legs) and then included in ClassificationInstance.

Another important bit of information is QueueId, when the intention is to classify service calls (as is usually the case). This can be acquired similarly to CallId. It is used for deciding which tag schema to use for each call. TagSchemas have QueueUsage entries, which define ids of the actual queues that should have their allocated calls classified.

Example UI

Below is an example rendering of the same schema that is described in JSON below. The example is captured from Enreach Voice web view. Shown things:

The data collected here would be sent as a ClassificationInstance described further down in the document.

Other remarkable things not shown in the example are:

GET /classification/schemas

Example request for all schemas with children (groups and tags) included. Useful for getting full configuration in one call and caching it.

GET /classification/schemas?IncludeChildren=true

"CallbackListUsages": [
    "ListId": "34cff92f-be52-4ec5-8d5a-2103630d152b",
    "RequestTypeId": 50
"Name": "Sample classification",
"Modified": "2017-06-02T06:21:15Z",
"ManualUsage": false,
"Groups": [
    "Name": "Topic",
    "MaxSelections": 0,
    "Tags": [
        "Name": "Billing",
        "Style": 3,
        "ShowGroup": 4,
        "Id": 19
        "Style": 1,
        "Id": 20,
        "Name": "Feedback"
        "Style": 1,
        "Id": 21,
        "Name": "Inquiry"
        "Style": 1,
        "Id": 22,
        "Name": "Support request"
    "Collapsed": false,
    "MinSelections": 0,
    "Order": 0,
    "Hidden": false,
    "Id": 5
    "Name": "Customer status",
    "MaxSelections": 1,
    "Tags": [
        "Style": 1,            
        "Id": 23,
        "Name": "Customer"
        "Style": 1,
        "Id": 24,
        "Name": "Prospect"
    "Collapsed": false,
    "MinSelections": 1,
    "Order": 1,
    "Hidden": false,
    "Id": 6
    "Name": "Billing",
    "MaxSelections": 0,
    "Tags": [
        "Style": 5,
        "Id": 18,
        "Name": "No"
        "Style": 3,
        "Id": 17,
        "Name": "Yes"
    "Collapsed": false,
    "MinSelections": 0,
    "Order": 2,
    "Hidden": true,
    "Id": 4
"QueueUsages": [
    { "QueueId": "1ad83114-c543-4640-be74-1617ac4939ad" }
"Id": "2b2b9f78-4e01-4486-ab11-710c6be701c4"

Returns all available schemas for requesting user, optionally limited by the filter.

GET /classification/schemas/{schemaId}

Return a single schema by id

POST /classification/schemas/{schemaId}/batch

Batch set operation for given schema. Executes a mass update operation, updating both the schema and any children where provided.

Unreferenced children and null properties are not touched, so this endpoint fully supports both partial and complete updates.

POST /classification/schemas

Create a new schema based on input.

PUT /classification/schemas/{schemaId}

Update existing schema based on input.

DELETE /classification/schemas/{schemaId}

Deletes target schema completely. Returns HTTP 204 No content on success.

GET /classification/calllistschemas

Gets all callbacklist-schema bindings for current user.

Intended for binding management.

POST /classification/calllistschemas/batch

Batch updates given collection of bindings.

Intended for binding management.

GET /classification/queueschemas

Gets all queue-schema bindings for current user.

Intended for binding management.

POST /classification/queueschemas/batch

Batch updates given collection of bindings.

Intended for binding management.

GET /classification/instance

Find classifications. Extracts search filter from query string.

GET /classification/instance/{instanceId}

Get single instance by id

POST /classification/instance

Example data for a new service call classification (with the same schema as before)

"TagSchemaId": "2b2b9f78-4e01-4486-ab11-710c6be701c4",
"Note": "Classifying user's custom note",
"TagSelections": [
  { "TagId": 19 },
  { "TagId": 23 },
  { "TagId": 17 }
"ClassifiedTypeId": 3,
"CallId": "4b415288-8604-4b6c-b604-e4eaeb90c938"

Create a new classification instance.


A tagging schema, consisting of a number of tag groups.

Property name Value type Description
Id Guid Schema id
Name string Schema name
Groups List<TagGroup> Groups
QueueUsages List<QueueSchema> Usages in queues. Read only.
CallbackListUsages List<CallbackListSchema> Usage in callback lists. Read only.
Modified DateTime? When schema was last modified
Archived bool? If schema has been archived for reporting/viewing purposes. Indicates that new classifications should not be created based on it.
Deleted bool? If schema has been deleted. This means that it should not be used. Deleted schemas are only returned if specifically requested
ManualUsage bool? If schema can be used for manual classification


A single group of tags

Property name Value type Description
Id int? Tag group identifier
Name string Tag group name
Order byte? Relative ordering in schema
Hidden bool? If group should be hidden by default
Collapsed bool? If group should be collapsed by default
Tags List<Tag> Tags in group
MinSelections int? Minimum number of tags that must be selected
MaxSelections int? Maximum number of tags that can be selected
Archived bool? If group has been archived
Deleted bool? If group has been deleted


A single tag

Property name Value type Description
Id int? Tag identifier
Name string Tag name
Style byte? Tag symbolic style. Integer values used for transport, value must map to TagStyle to be useful
StyleEnum TagStyle Enum-wrapped Style value
ShowGroup int? Show another group in class when selected
Archived bool? If tag has been marked as archived
Deleted bool? If tag has been marked as deleted


Tag style enumeration. Should be implemented in clients with suitable colors and other visual hints.

Name Value Description
Undefined 0 Missing/invalid style for backwards-compatibility. Should generally behave like TagStyle.Default
Default 1 No special styling. "Like a button".
Primary 2 Primary styling, something the user would select often. "Primary brand color"
Positive 3 Positive styling, something with positive impact. "Green"
Warning 4 Style warning about something. "Yellow"
Negative 5 Negative styling, something with negative impact. "Red"


Single classification instance, e.g. classification info for a single call or call list item.

Property name Value type Description
Id Guid? Instance id
TagSchemaId Guid? Id of tagging class classification was based on
TagSchemaName string Name of class classification was based on. Read only.
Modified DateTime? Last modify date. Read only.
CreatedBy Guid? User that created the instance. Auto-populated, read only.
ModifiedBy Guid? User that last modified the instance. Auto-populated, read only
Note string Free text note. Intended for human-readable extra info, should not be used for purposes requiring formality (e.g. reporting)
TagSelections List<TagSelection> Selected tags
CallId Guid? If instance classifies a call, reference to that
CallListItemId Guid? If instance classifies a CallListItem, reference
ExternalId string If instance classifies another external entity
ClassifiedTypeId byte? Type of target instance classifies. Must correspond to ClassifiedTypeEnum
ClassifiedType ClassifiedTypeEnum


A single selected tag.

Main information is the combination of TagGroupId and TagId. These exactly identify the selection and enable matching selections to changed schema in cases where the tag or group remains but name has been changed.

Additionally TagGroupName and TagName are stored so the exact selection is persisted in cases where tag schema changes. In these cases the name info can still be used for display purposes and limited editing (=removal).

Property name Value type Description
TagGroupId int? Tag group id. Read only.
TagGroupName string Tag group name. Read only.
TagId int? Selected tag id
TagName string Selected tag name. Read only.


Describes possible types in

Name Value Description
Undefined 0 Undefined, fallback
None 1 No specific type, generic classification entry
DirectCall 2 Classifies a direct call. ClassificationInstance.CallId refers to the actual call.
ServiceCall 3 Classifies a service call. ClassificationInstance.CallId refers to the actual call.
Email 4 Classifies an email
CallListItem 5 Classifies a call list item. ClassificationInstance.CallListItemId refers to the actual item


Search criteria for finding classification instances

Property name Value type Description
CallId Guid? Related to given call id
CallListItemId Guid? Related to given call list item


Represents a binding between a service queue and tagging schema. Means that calls from given queue should be classified with given schema

Property name Value type Description
QueueName string Name of relevant queue. Read only.
QueueId Guid? Id of relevant queue.
SchemaId Guid? Id of relevant schema.
Deleted bool? If entry should be deleted. Relevant for sending batch requests to API


Represents a binding between callback list and tagging schema. Indicates that items in given list should be classified with the specified schema.

Property name Value type Description
ListName string Name of relevant list. Read only.
ListId Guid? Id of relevant call list
SchemaId Guid? Schema id
RequestTypeId byte? Type of CallbackRequestType schema applies to. If null, all.
RequestType CallbackRequestType Request type enum for convenience
Deleted bool? If entry should be deleted. Relevant when sending batch requests to API


Filtering options for acquiring TagSchemas

Property name Value type Description
IncludeChildren bool? Whether to include child items in result. Allows acquiring the entire configuration in one call, if necessary.
ModifiedAfter DateTime? Return only items modified after given timestamp. Enables clients to periodically request updated info.
IncludeArchived bool? Include archived items in response. Enables clients to detect that item was archived since last check and should act accordingly
IncludeDeleted bool? Include deleted items in response. Enables clients to detect that item was deleted since last check and should stop using it.


Filtering options for acquiring TagGroups

Property name Value type Description
ModifiedAfter DateTime? Return only items modified after given timestamp. Enables clients to periodically request updated info.
IncludeArchived bool? Include archived items in response. Enables clients to detect that item was archived since last check and should act accordingly
IncludeDeleted bool? Include deleted items in response. Enables clients to detect that item was deleted since last check and should stop using it.


Filtering options for acquiring Tags

Property name Value type Description
ModifiedAfter DateTime? Return only items modified after given timestamp. Enables clients to periodically request updated info.
IncludeArchived bool? Include archived items in response. Enables clients to detect that item was archived since last check and should act accordingly
IncludeDeleted bool? Include deleted items in response. Enables clients to detect that item was deleted since last check and should stop using it.


THIS ENDPOINT IS DEPRECATED. QoS data should be sent to telemetry service as GELF content.

Endpoints for submitting quality of service data.

POST /users/{userid}/qos

Receives freeform JSON object containing suitable QoS data.

Returns 202 Accepted always.

Call management

Endpoints for getting information about ongoing calls and controlling them.

The two core concepts are CallLegs and ActionRequests. CallLeg describes a call that is found in the system. In basic use case, it is a call being allocated or already connected to a user. CallLegs are controller with ActionRequests, that describe the action system should perform on the active leg.

Basic scenario is:

GET /callmanagement/legs

Return call legs filtered by CallLegFilterParameters object passed in request query string.

Example call getting active legs for a user

GET /callmanagement/legs?UserIds=ccbbbaaa-1122-3344-5555-001152293344

GET /callmanagement/legs/{legid}

Returns a single call leg with specified id.

GET /callmanagement/actions

Return filtered action requests.

GET /callmanagement/actions/{actionid}

POST /callmanagement/actions


Sample response describing a call leg connected to a user

    "TargetNumber": "+8881231234",
    "QueueId": "c208848c-c86e-4ecc-bdc3-c3ca4f277018",
    "CallLegStatusId": 3,
    "Created": "2017-03-15T08:25:56Z",
    "CallId": "e55f2add-5b66-4bb9-a186-05d70fe03646",
    "ActionRequests": [],
    "UserId": "ccbbbaaa-1122-3344-5555-001152293344",
    "LastHandlerId": null,
    "SourceNumber": "+358404893501",
    "Id": "33f29402-5909-e711-80c9-00505689257e"
Property name Value type Description
Id Guid Call leg id
CallId Guid Call id. Multiple legs with same CallId can exist
Created DateTime When leg was created
UserId Guid? Relevant user
QueueId Guid Relevant queue
SourceNumber String Original source number of the call
TargetNumber String Original target number of the call
CallLegStatusId int Leg status data member, used for carrying CallLegStatus enum for backward compatibility
LastHandlerId Guid? Id of last handler. Often null, when has not been handled yet.
ActionRequests List Related action requests


Filter object for fetching call legs

Property name Value type Description
UserIds List User ids
QueueIds List Queue ids
ModifiedAfter DateTime? Only legs that appeared since given time
IncludeActionRequests bool? Whether to include related ActionRequests for each leg


Statuses call leg can be include

Name Value Description
Unknown 0 Unknown type for backwards compatibility, can usually be ignored
InQueue 1 Call in queue, not necessarily allocated to user
Allocated 2 Call being allocated to user
Connected 3 Call connected to user
Parked 10 Call is parked


Example transfer request

    "LegId": "33f29402-5909-e711-80c9-00505689257e",
    "RequestTypeId": 1,
    "UserId": "ccbbbaaa-1122-3344-5555-001152293344",
    "UserParameters": "+358501231234"

Single action request made to call routing components

CallId, UserId, RequestType is the essential information, signalling who wants to do what to which call

Property name Value type Description
Id Guid? Action request id
LegId Guid? Leg request refers to
CallId Guid Call id request refers to
Modified DateTime When the request was last modified
UserId Guid Userid request relates to
RequestTypeId int ActionRequestType transport layer for backwards compatilibity
UserParameters String Parameters, usage depends on ActionRequestType. Currently used for ActionRequestType Transfer to provide number to transfer to


Property name Value type Description
UserIds List UserIds to fetch action requests for
CallIds List CallIds to fetch ActionRequests for


Enum for possible ActionRequestStatuses.

Name Value Description
Unknown -1 Unknown member for backwards compatibility
New 1 New, unprocessed request
Done 2 Request processed successfully
Rejected 3 Request processing was rejected, see ReasonCode
Failed 4 Processing was attempted but failed, see ReasonCode


Types of requests that can be made.

Name Value Description
Unknown 0 Unknown type, used for backwards compatibility. Can be ignored.
Transfer 1 Transfer call to number specified in ActionRequest param
Reject 2 Reject allocated call
Disconnect 3 Disconnect the call
Park 10 Park the call
Unpark 11 Unpark the call

Call extra data

Endpoints for getting extra data for ongoing calls.

GET /callextradata/{callId}/

Return codes:

Returns call extra data filtered by CallExtraDataFilterParameters object passed in request query string or empty list. The endpoint returns only the extra data for a call in which the authenticated user is an active participant. This means the call is either allocated to the user or connected to the user. There may be a brief delay before extra data becomes available for a call.

Example call getting extra data for a callid.

GET /callextradata/ccbbbaaa-1122-3344-5555-001152293344?DataProtectionType=1

GET /callextradata/

Return codes:

Returns call extra data filtered by CallExtraDataTokenFilterParameters object passed in request query string or empty list. The endpoint returns only the extra data for a call that the jwt token is scoped for. There may be a brief delay before extra data becomes available for a call.

Example call getting extra data with jwt token.

GET /callextradata?Token=jwttokenstring


Sample response describing a call extra data

    "CallId": "ccbbbaaa-1122-3344-5555-001152293344",
    "ExtraDataType": "1",
    "Keyword": "Any",
    "Value": "Value",
Property name Value type Description
CallId Guid Call id where extra data relates to.
ExtraDataType CallExtraDataType? Call extra data type. Null value is unknown data type.
Keyword String Call extra data keyword.
Value String Call extra data value.


Filter object for fetching call legs

Property name Value type Description
ExtraDataType CallExtraDataType? Extra data type. Missing parameter returns all types of extra data for the callid.
DataProtectionType CallExtraDataProtectionType? Type of data protection. All extra data values will be protected. Missing parameter will use default protection type.


Filter object for fetching call legs

Property name Value type Description
Token String Mandatory JWT token to access the call extra data.
DataProtectionType CallExtraDataProtectionType? Type of data protection. All extra data values will be protected. Missing parameter will use default protection type.


Possible extra data types.

Name Value Description
StrongAuth 1 Strong authentication data


Possible data protection types.

Name Value Description
None 1 Values returned in plain text (default)
Base64 2 Values returned in base64 encoded text from utf8 string.

Returned keywords for StrongAuth type

Keyword Description
AUTH.Surname Surname of the authenticated caller
AUTH.GivenName Given name
AUTH.CallerId Identification of the user, e.g. social security number (hetu)


Things related to push notification tokens.

POST /users/{userid}/notification

Adds new token for user if token does not exist. Returns 200 OK if token already exists.

Requires that Token TokenTypeId Options properties are specified in the UserNotificationTokenCreate. Provide the Token in UserNotificationTokenCreate as it is received from the push service. Do not encode, truncate or add additional characters.

Example JSON serialization of a UserNotificationTokenCreate

    "Token": "dSNqJvfZHhc:APA91bHHZCZLtBvkojlwm2HZasLBVmNDDtzttQBLULEHjfnPRTs9hGWOUtq59dMMP3-valh9FgYMIKh7iBO-J2Loz84NN",
    "TokenTypeId": 1, 
    "DeviceId": "4200a30ed4197413", 
    "DeviceName": "SM-J330F",
        "TokenOptionId": 1,
        "Value": 1
    "ExpiresIn": 604799

Example usage with APIClient

UserNotificationToken token = new UserNotificationToken()
    Token = "dSNqJvfZHhc:APA91bHHZCZLtBvkojlwm2HZasLBVmNDDtzttQBLULEHjfnPRTs9hGWOUtq59dMMP3-valh9FgYMIKh7iBO-J2Loz84NN",
    TokenTypeId = 1,
    DeviceId = "4200a30ed4197413",
    DeviceName = "SM-J330F",
    Options = new List<UserNotificationTokenOption>()
         new UserNotificationTokenOption
             TokenOptionId = 1,
             Value = 1
    "ExpiresIn": 604799

Client.CreateNotification(UserID, token);

GET /users/{userid}/notification

Returns all UserNotificationToken objects for the user.

Example JSON serialization of a UserNotificationToken list

        "Token": "dSNqJvfZHhc:APA91bHHZCZLtBvkojlwm2HZasLBVmNDDtzttQBLULEHjfnPRTs9hGWOUtq59dMMP3-valh9FgYMIKh7iBO-J2Loz84NN",
        "TokenTypeId": 1, 
        "DeviceId": "4200a30ed4197413", 
        "DeviceName": "SM-J330F",
            "TokenOptionId": 1,
            "Value": 1
        "Expires": "/Date(1455530400000+0200)/",
        "Expired": false

GET /users/{userid}/notification/{token}

Returns the UserNotificationToken object for the push notification token.

Push notification Token string can contain invalid characters to be used in the url so it is recommended that the {token} string is encoded before using it in the url.

Example JSON serialization of a UserNotificationToken

    "Token": "dSNqJvfZHhc:APA91bHHZCZLtBvkojlwm2HZasLBVmNDDtzttQBLULEHjfnPRTs9hGWOUtq59dMMP3-valh9FgYMIKh7iBO-J2Loz84NN",
    "TokenTypeId": 1, 
    "DeviceId": "4200a30ed4197413", 
    "DeviceName": "SM-J330F",
        "TokenOptionId": 1,
        "Value": 1
    "Expires": null,
    "Expired": false

PATCH /users/{userid}/notification/{token}

Updates the existing push notification token.

Push notification Token string can contain invalid characters to be used in the url so it is recommended that the {token} string is encoded before using it in the url.

Example JSON serialization of a UserNotificationTokenUpdate

    "ExpiresIn": 604799

GET /users/{userid}/notification/{token}/options

Returns the UserNotificationTokenOption objects for the push notification token.

Push notification Token string can contain invalid characters to be used in the url so it is recommended that the {token} string is encoded before using it in the url.

Example JSON serialization of a UserNotificationTokenOption list

        "TokenId": e7a0f241-29de-485d-978c-ce8a4eda902c,
        "Name": "Availability"
        "TokenOptionId": 1,
        "Value": 1

PUT /users/{userid}/notification/{token}/options

Updates the UserNotificationTokenOption objects for the push notification token.

Push notification Token string can contain invalid characters to be used in the url so it is recommended that the {token} string is encoded before using it in the url.

Example JSON serialization of a UserNotificationTokenOption list

        "TokenOptionId": 1,
        "Value": 1

DELETE /users/{userid}/notification/{token}

Deletes push notification token. Sent tokens are automatically deleted from db if the push service indicates that used token has become invalid.

Push notification Token string can contain invalid characters to be used in the url so it is recommended that the {token} string is encoded before using it in the url.


Represents a UserNotificationToken.

Property Value type Description
Id Guid? Token identifier
UserId Guid? User token relates to
Token string Token string that was aquired from the device push service.
TokenTypeId byte? Push service type that the token uses. Refers to TokenTypeId
DeviceId string Id that is aquired from the device. Informational only.
DeviceName string Device name that is aquired from the device. Informational only.
Options List<UserNotificationTokenOption> Options for the token.
Expires DateTime? Token expiration date. If value is null then token will never expire.
Expired bool Is token expired.


Represents a UserNotificationTokenCreate.

Property Value type Description
Token string Token string that was aquired from the device push service.
TokenTypeId byte? Push service type that the token uses. Refers to TokenTypeId
DeviceId string Id that is aquired from the device. Informational only.
DeviceName string Device name that is aquired from the device. Informational only.
Options List<UserNotificationTokenOption> Options for the token.
ExpiresIn int? Token expiration value. Value is seconds from now. If value is null or negative then token will never expire. Notification token will be marked as deleted when expiration occurs.


Represents a UserNotificationTokenUpdate.

Property Value type Description
ExpiresIn int? Token expiration value. Value is seconds from now. If value is null or negative then token will never expire. Notification token will be marked as deleted when expiration occurs.


Name Value Description
Firebase 1 Firebase push service.
APNS 2 Apple push service.


Represents a UserNotificationTokenOption.

Property Value type Description
TokenId Guid? Token identifier
TokenOptionId byte? Option id. Refers to TokenOptionId
Value int? Refers to UserNotificationTokenOptionValue
Name string Option name
Deleted bool? Indicates if this option is deleted.


Name Value Description
Availability 1 Availability option type.
UserQueueAlert 2 UserQueueAlert option type.
UserActionMobileCall 3 UserActionMobileCall option type.
CallbackChanges 4 CallbackChanges option type.
UserAssistedCallback 5 UserAssistedCallback option type.
CallSuperviseStatus 6 CallSuperviseStatus option type.
CallSuperviseAvailable 7 CallSuperviseAvailable option type.


Name Value Description
Disabled 0 Option is disabled and will not be handeled by the push service.
Enabled 1 Option is enabled and will be handeled by the push service.

Token URL encoding

Push notification Token string can contain invalid characters to be used in the url so it is recommended that the {token} string is encoded before using it in the url.

Use Base64 encoding for the string and trim "=" charaters from the end. Then replace character "+" with "-" and "/" with "_"

Example encoding using csharp

string encoded = System.Convert
                .TrimEnd(new char[] { '=' })
                .Replace('+', '-')
                .Replace('/', '_');

Automated calling

POST /users/{userid}/callrobot/call

Initiates an outbound call with given properties. The call impersonates the user making the API call. The call is a one-way call from the server to the target with no connection to any of the user's actual terminals. It is not possible to join the user to the outbound call, so this endpoint cannot be used to predictively dial outbound calls that the calling user would then join.

The call will ring in target number for the duration specified in the request and then disconnect. If the target answers the call, they will hear a generic "this is an automated call" prompt and the call will disconnect.

This can be used to notify users about "anything". Communicate off-band what a call from this number means and how they should react.

Example use case:

Endpoint information


    "TargetNumber": "+358501231234",
    "Timeout": 25

Data model for initiating outbound automatic calls

Property name Value type Description
TargetNumber string Target number to call in E.164 format
TimeoutSeconds int? Timeout for the outgoing phone call (between 5 and 60 seconds)

User alerts

Things related to user alerts.

POST /users/{userid}/alerts/queue/{queueid}

Adds new alert for a queue. Does QueueAlertValidation for QueueAlertCondition.

Example JSON serialization of a QueueAlertCondition

     "Value": "1",
     "Expression": ">"
     "Value": "2",
     "Expression": ""
     "Value": "3",
     "Expression": "<"

Example usage with APIClient

QueueAlertCondition condition = new QueueAlertCondition()
    ActiveAgents = new AlertCondition()
        Value = "1",
        Expression = ">",
    MaxWaitTime = new AlertCondition()
        Value = "2",
        Expression = "",
    QueueLength = new AlertCondition()
        Value = "3",
        Expression = "<",

Client.CreateQueueAlert(UserID, QueueID, condition);

GET /users/{userid}/alerts/queue

Returns all QueueAlert objects for the user.

Example JSON serialization of a QueueAlert list

        "Id": "63cd7be2-c227-4da9-be8a-29c1796fd0e8",
        "UserId": "e9a66283-ab56-4dc4-9d2a-4f87fd420506", 
        "QueueId": "05dd1655-5ff2-4612-93fa-2a2d1b19c925",
        "Modified": "2009-02-15T00:00:00Z",
                Value = "1",
                Expression = ">",
                Value = "2",
                Expression = "",
                Value = "3",
                Expression = "<",

GET /users/{userid}/alerts/queue/{queueid}

Returns all the QueueAlert objects for the queue.

Example JSON serialization of a QueueAlert

        "Id": "63cd7be2-c227-4da9-be8a-29c1796fd0e8",
        "UserId": "e9a66283-ab56-4dc4-9d2a-4f87fd420506", 
        "QueueId": "05dd1655-5ff2-4612-93fa-2a2d1b19c925",
        "Modified": "2009-02-15T00:00:00Z",
                Value = "1",
                Expression = ">",
                Value = "2",
                Expression = "",
                Value = "3",
                Expression = "<",

PUT /users/{userid}/alerts/queue/{alertid}

Updates the QueueAlertCondition in QueueAlert. Does QueueAlertValidation for QueueAlertCondition.

Example JSON serialization of a QueueAlertCondition

     "Value": "3",
     "Expression": "<"
     "Value": "4",
     "Expression": ">"
     "Value": "2",
     "Expression": ">"

DELETE /users/{userid}/alerts/queue

Deletes QueueAlert from all users queues.

DELETE /users/{userid}/alerts/queue/{alertid}

Deletes specified QueueAlert.


Represents a QueueAlert.

Property Value type Description
Id Guid Id of the alert.
UserId Guid User that alert relates to.
QueueId Guid Queue that alert relates to.
Modified DateTime DateTime when the alert was last modified.
Condition QueueAlertCondition Conditions for the alert. Refers to QueueAlertCondition


Represents a QueueAlertCondition.


Name Value Description
ActiveAgents AlertCondition Condition for ActiveAgents that will be validated. Value in seconds.
MaxWaitTime AlertCondition Condition for MaxWaitTime that will be validated. Value in seconds.
QueueLength AlertCondition Condition for QueueLength that will be validated. Value in seconds.


Name Value Description
Value string Value for the condition.
Expression string Expression for the condition.

Push Service Data

The push message is sent from the push server as a data message that is a JSON serialized data.

Message data example using Android Firebase

public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {

    JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject(remoteMessage.getData().get("Data"));

    String message = jObj.getString("Message");

    String MessageType = jObj.getString("MessageType");

    Float pushOrder = jObj.getFloat("PushOrder");

UserQueueAlert message data example using Android Firebase

private void showNotification(String message) {

    JSONObject mainObject = new JSONObject(message);

    String queueId = mainObject.optString("QueueId");

    String queueName = mainObject.optString("QueueName");

    String conditionName = mainObject.optString("ConditionName");

    String value = mainObject.optString("Value");


Push message data

Name Value Description
ServiceId string GUID value. Indicates if the notification service has been restarted. Mostly just informational.
PushOrder long DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks value. Indicates the push order of the message. This should be handled so that every time a push message is received client should compare that the received order number is higher than previous messages and discard the received if it is not higher. This ensures that if client does not receive the push messages in order then it should not handle some old messages, only the highest order number is valid.
MessageType string Possible values are "UserAvailability", "UserQueueAlert"
Message string JSON serialized string. This content will depend on the MessageType.

UserQueueAlert message data

Name Value Description
UserId Guid Id of target user.
OrganizationId Guid Id of related organization.
QueueId Guid Id of related Queue.
QueueName string Name of the related Queue.
ConditionName string Name of the triggered condition. Possible values are QueueAlertCondition property names.
ConditionValue string Value of the triggered condition. Value from AlertCondition
ConditionExpression string Expression of the triggered condition. Expression from AlertCondition
Value string Actual value for the triggered condition.

User actions

Things related to user actions.

POST /users/{userid}/action/mobile/call

Invokes an outgoing phone call in users mobile app. Requires that the user has the app installed, logged in and running. Can be used to integrate outbound calling with a 3rd party system.

This is a fire-and-forget call, meaning that the API returns immediately after successfully receiving the message without waiting for the targeted user's terminal to actually start making the call.

Targeted phone number is validated and must be in E.164 format.

If target user is the authenticated user, no additional authorization is required.

If target user is other than the authenticated user, permission ClickToCall.Create is required.

Example JSON serialization of a UserActionPhoneCall

   "PhoneNumber": "+35840123456"


Represents a UserActionPhoneCall.

Property Value type Description
PhoneNumber string Phone number to call. Must be in E.164 format

Push Service Data

The push message is sent from the push server as a data message that is a JSON serialized data.

Message data example using Android Firebase

public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {

    JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject(remoteMessage.getData().get("Data"));

    String message = jObj.getString("Message");

    String MessageType = jObj.getString("MessageType");

    Float pushOrder = jObj.getFloat("PushOrder");

UserActionMobileCall message data example using Android Firebase

private void handleNotification(String message) {

    JSONObject mainObject = new JSONObject(message);

    String value = mainObject.optString("PhoneNumber");


Push message data

Name Value Description
ServiceId string GUID value. Indicates if the notification service has been restarted. Mostly just informational.
PushOrder long DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks value. Indicates the push order of the message. This should be handled so that every time a push message is received client should compare that the received order number is higher than previous messages and discard the received if it is not higher. This ensures that if client does not receive the push messages in order then it should not handle some old messages, only the highest order number is valid.
MessageType string Possible values are the action class names e.g "UserActionMobileCall"
Message string JSON serialized string. This content will depend on the MessageType.

UserActionMobileCall message data

Name Value Description
UserId Guid Id of target user.
OrganizationId Guid Id of related organization.
PhoneNumber string PhoneNumber to call.

User features

Things related to user features.

POST /users/{userid}/features/callout/activate

The next outbound call to the number +123456789 will be made as a service call on behalf of a queue.

POST /users/me/features/callout/activate

  "TargetNumber": "+123456789",
  "QueueId": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111"

The next outbound call to the number +123456789 will be made as a service call on behalf of a callback request.

POST /users/me/features/callout/activate

  "TargetNumber": "+123456789",
  "CallbackListId": "22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222",
  "CallbackRequestId": "33333333-3333-3333-3333-333333333333"

Notifies the call control backend that the next outbound call the user will make is an outbound-queue call or an outbound-callback call instead of a direct call. This affects the following:

The actual phone call must be initiated within 10 seconds after this API call. If the delay between the API call and the actual phone call arriving at the backend is more than 10 seconds, the phone call will be treated as a direct call.

To make calls on behalf of a queue, the user must be a member of the queue (active or inactive).

To make calls on behalf of a callback list, the user must be authorized to handle callback requests.

The user can only make callout/activate requests as themselves.

Return codes:

GET /users/{userid}/features/callout/configuration

Returns outbound call configuration

GET /users/me/features/callout/configuration

  "Queues": [
      "QueueId": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
      "Name": "Queue 1",
      "Numbers": [
          "Default": "true",
          "DisplayNumber": "+123456789",
          "DisplayName": "+123456789"
          "Default": "false",
          "DisplayNumber": "+987654321",
          "DisplayName": "IVR"
      "Recorded": "true"
      "QueueId": "22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222",
      "Name": "Queue 2",
      "Numbers": [
          "Default": "true",
          "DisplayNumber": "+1234567899",
          "DisplayName": "+1234567899"
      "Recorded": "false"

Get configuration for outbound call.

Return codes:

POST /users/{userid}/features/calls/allocate-next

Example request, to wait max 5 seconds for inbound servicecall to be allocated

POST /users/me/features/calls/allocate-next

  "TTLSeconds": 5

Response, if there is inbound servicecall to be allocated

  "RequestId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "AllocationType": "allocated",
  "Success": true

Response, if there are no inbound servicecalls to allocate:

  "RequestId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "AllocationType": "nocalls",
  "Success": true

Invokes to allocate next inbound servicecall to the user. Requires that user is in fetch-allocation mode (user setting Queues_AllocationMode = "fetch")

Endpoint will wait for a period of time, defined by TTLSeconds in request if there are no servicecalls to be allocated. If there are, endpoint responds immediately, and call is allocated to the user.

Return codes:

POST /users/{userid}/features/calls/strong-authentication

Example request

POST /users/me/features/calls/strong-authentication

  "CallId": "22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222",
  "CallerNumber": "+3581234567"


  "RequestId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "Token": "JWT",
  "Success": true

Invokes strong authentication to a call. The authentication result can be fetched from the call extra data endpoint using the JWT token as query parameter.

Return codes:

GET /users/{userid}/features/cli

Calling Line Identification (CLI) is the phone number displayed on the called phone.

Returns the current active CLI value for a user.

Return codes:

GET /users/{userid}/features/cli/configuration

Returns list of available values for a user to be used as CLI.

Return codes:

POST /users/{userid}/features/cli/activate

Invokes to activate cli.

Endpoint call will wait for a short period of time to allow the event message to be delivered. After the return a call can be made.

If target user is the authenticated user and has read permission to settings. Validates that the given phonenumber is contained in the authorized numbers list.

Return codes:

POST /users/{userid}/features/wrapup/terminate

Invokes to terminate wrap-up manually.

This is a fire-and-forget call, meaning that the API returns immediately after successfully receiving the message without waiting for the status to be processed.

If target user is the authenticated user, no additional authorization is required. If the target user is someone else, authorize with QueueUser.UPDATE

Return codes:

POST /users/{userid}/features/supervision/monitorcall

Invokes supervisor to monitor a call.

This is a fire-and-forget call, meaning that the API returns immediately after successfully receiving the message without waiting for the status to be processed.

If target user has CallSupervise.READ permission then call is authorized.

Return codes:

POST /users/{userid}/features/supervision/assistancerequest

Invokes user to ask supervisor assistans.

This is a fire-and-forget call, meaning that the API returns immediately after successfully receiving the message without waiting for the status to be processed.

If user is self and target user has CallSupervise.READ permission then call is authorized.

Return codes:

POST /users/{userid}/features/supervision/subscriptions

Creates supervision subscription.

If user is self and target user has CallSupervise.READ permission then call is authorized.

Return codes:

PUT /users/{userid}/features/supervision/subscriptions/{subscriptionid}

Updates the supervision subscription. This can be used to update the subscription active status.

If user is self then call is authorized.

Return codes:

GET /users/{userid}/features/supervision/subscriptions

Gets supervision subscriptions for given user.

If user is self then call is authorized.

Return codes:

GET /users/{userid}/features/supervision/subscriptions/{subscriptionid}

Get the supervision subscription for given user.

If user is self then call is authorized.

Return codes:

DELETE /users/{userid}/features/supervision/subscriptions/{subscriptionid}

Deletes the supervision subscription.

If user is self then call is authorized.

Return codes:


This class represents a request for call out activation. There mast be either QueueId or CallbackListId and CallbackRequestId set.

Property name Value type Description
TargetNumber string Required. Target number of the next call out by the user. Helps to verify that correct call will be processed. Note that the number is expected to be provided in E.164 format (+358101231234)
CallbackRequestId Guid Optional: If the call out is related to handling a specific callback request, then (and only then) this must be provided.
CallbackListId Guid Optional: If the call out is related to handling a specific callback request, then (and only then) this must be provided.
QueueId Guid Optional: If the call out is an outbound service call on behalf of a service queue, then (and only then) this must be provided.
CLI string Optional. CLI to use for the call out. If not set, the default CLI of the queue or callback list is used. Setting CLI can be disabled for a queue or callback list, in which case CLI given in request is ignored.
TimeToLive int Optional: How many seconds this request is valid. If no call is received after the specified timeout, the request is dropped as expired Actual usage depends on the use case. If you know that the call will be coming in soon, this should be set to a low value (seconds). If this is a "pre-reservation" of a call that may happen after a while, for example if the user needs to dial manually, then a higher value can be provided.


Property name Value type Description
CorrelationId Guid Correlation id used for the event publish.
Success bool Indicates if the request was success.
CLI string Caller number.
IsRecorded bool Indicates if the call is recorded.
PrePrompt bool Indicates if there will be pre-prompt played before connecting the agent and customer.


Property name Value type Description
Queues List Queues user can use. OutboundQueueConfiguration


Property name Value type Description
QueueId Guid? QueueId
Name string Queue name
Numbers List Queue numbers OutboundQueueNumber
Recorded bool? Will the call be recorded.


Property name Value type Description
Default bool? Default number.
DisplayNumber string Display number.
DisplayName string Display name for the number. Used to help the user choose the right number.


This class represents a request for call allocation

Property name Value type Description
TTLSeconds int The time-to-live (TTL) for the call allocation request, in seconds. Must be between 0 and 60.


Property name Value type Description
RequestId Guid Request id used for the event publish.
AllocationType String Allocation type: allocated = Call allocated, nocalls = No calls to allocate for the agent, agentunavailable = Call could not be allocated following the normal allocation rules(agent was DND, afterwork etc).
Success bool Indicates if the request was success.


This class represents a request for call strong authentication

Property name Value type Description
CallId Guid Id of the call for which the strong authentication is made. Mandatory.
CallerNumber String E.164 format caller number where the strong authetication SMS request is sent. Mandatory.
QueueId Guid? Optional queue id related to requesting the authorization.
CallListId Guid? Optional related call list id when requesting the authorization.


Property name Value type Description
RequestId Guid Request id used for the event publish.
Token String JWT token that is used to fetch the authentication result from the call extra data endpoint. Token is valid for 15 minutes.
Success bool Indicates if the request was success.


Property name Value type Description
ActiveCLI CLINumber Currently active value. CLINumber


Property name Value type Description
DisplayName String Display text for the number
Value String Actual number


Property name Value type Description
AvailableNumbers List List of available numbers. CLINumber


Property name Value type Description
Phonenumber String Requested number. Must be contained in the authorized numbers list.
Permanent bool? If the activation should be permanent instead of time-scoped.


Property name Value type Description
CorrelationId String Correlation id used for the event publish.
Success bool Indicates if the request was success.


Property name Value type Description
CorrelationId String Correlation id used for the event publish.
Success bool Indicates if the request was success.


Property name Value type Description
CallId Guid Call id to monitor.
LegId Guid LegId id to monitor.
SupervisorLegId string Supervisor LegId id for monitoring. Only if known by the supervisor UI.
State int : SupervisionCommand Set the state of the supervision, see below.

SupervisionCommand enum

Key Value Description
NA -1 Not set, unknown
Join 1 Join the call
UnJoin 2 Leave the call supervision
Listen 3
Whisper 4
Participate 5
Select 6 Supervisor selects call for supervision


Property name Value type Description
SupervisorUserId Guid? Supervisor user id to request. If null then request any supervisor.
CallId Guid Call id to monitor.


Property name Value type Description
CorrelationId String Correlation id used for the event publish.
Success bool Indicates if the request was success.


Property name Value type Description
Id Guid Subscription id.
TargetUserId Guid User id to supervise.
SupervisorUserId Guid Supervisor user id.
Active bool? Is subscription active.
Once bool? Specifies if the subscription is for the current call only. Will not be stored in DB but sent through message queue.

User call lists

Things related to user call lists.

GET /users/{userid}/calllists/status

Returns all call lists bindings with user status relating to this user.

GET /users/{userid}/calllists

Returns all call list bindings relating to this user. Does not return user status.

GET /users/{userid}/calllists/{listid}

Returns a call list binding relating to this user and given callbacklist. Does not return user status.

Example Example JSON serialization of a CallListUser

  "ListId": "4ad13bbd-82e5-4f5f-a898-7a5af35684fd",
  "UserId": "e272c88b-febd-4136-86b8-34ac854bc0b9",
  "Active": "false",
  "Modified": "2019-08-15T13:34:45.9160524Z"

PUT /users/{userid}/calllists/{listid}

Creates or updates the call list binding relating to this user and given callbacklist.

Example usage with APIClient

CallListMember entity = new CallListMember()
    UserId = AuthUser.UserID,
    ListId = callbackList.Id,
    Active = "true"

DELETE /users/{userid}/calllists/{listid}

Deletes a binding relating to this user and given callbacklist.

User features

Things related to user features.

POST /users/{userid}/features/callout/activate

The next outbound call to the number +123456789 will be made as a service call on behalf of a queue.

POST /users/me/features/callout/activate

  "TargetNumber": "+123456789",
  "QueueId": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111"

The next outbound call to the number +123456789 will be made as a service call on behalf of a callback request.

POST /users/me/features/callout/activate

  "TargetNumber": "+123456789",
  "CallbackListId": "22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222",
  "CallbackRequestId": "33333333-3333-3333-3333-333333333333"

Notifies the call control backend that the next outbound call the user will make is an outbound-queue call or an outbound-callback call instead of a direct call. This affects the following:

The actual phone call must be initiated within 10 seconds after this API call. If the delay between the API call and the actual phone call arriving at the backend is more than 10 seconds, the phone call will be treated as a direct call.

To make calls on behalf of a queue, the user must be a member of the queue (active or inactive).

To make calls on behalf of a callback list, the user must be authorized to handle callback requests.

The user can only make callout/activate requests as themselves.

Return codes:

GET /users/{userid}/features/callout/configuration

Returns outbound call configuration

GET /users/me/features/callout/configuration

  "Queues": [
      "QueueId": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
      "Name": "Queue 1",
      "Numbers": [
          "Default": "true",
          "DisplayNumber": "+123456789",
          "DisplayName": "+123456789"
          "Default": "false",
          "DisplayNumber": "+987654321",
          "DisplayName": "IVR"
      "Recorded": "true"
      "QueueId": "22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222",
      "Name": "Queue 2",
      "Numbers": [
          "Default": "true",
          "DisplayNumber": "+1234567899",
          "DisplayName": "+1234567899"
      "Recorded": "false"

Get configuration for outbound call.

Return codes:

POST /users/{userid}/features/calls/allocate-next

Example request, to wait max 5 seconds for inbound servicecall to be allocated

POST /users/me/features/calls/allocate-next

  "TTLSeconds": 5

Response, if there is inbound servicecall to be allocated

  "RequestId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "AllocationType": "allocated",
  "Success": true

Response, if there are no inbound servicecalls to allocate:

  "RequestId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "AllocationType": "nocalls",
  "Success": true

Invokes to allocate next inbound servicecall to the user. Requires that user is in fetch-allocation mode (user setting Queues_AllocationMode = "fetch")

Endpoint will wait for a period of time, defined by TTLSeconds in request if there are no servicecalls to be allocated. If there are, endpoint responds immediately, and call is allocated to the user.

Return codes:

POST /users/{userid}/features/calls/strong-authentication

Example request

POST /users/me/features/calls/strong-authentication

  "CallId": "22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222",
  "CallerNumber": "+3581234567"


  "RequestId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "Token": "JWT",
  "Success": true

Invokes strong authentication to a call. The authentication result can be fetched from the call extra data endpoint using the JWT token as query parameter.

Return codes:

GET /users/{userid}/features/cli

Calling Line Identification (CLI) is the phone number displayed on the called phone.

Returns the current active CLI value for a user.

Return codes:

GET /users/{userid}/features/cli/configuration

Returns list of available values for a user to be used as CLI.

Return codes:

POST /users/{userid}/features/cli/activate

Invokes to activate cli.

Endpoint call will wait for a short period of time to allow the event message to be delivered. After the return a call can be made.

If target user is the authenticated user and has read permission to settings. Validates that the given phonenumber is contained in the authorized numbers list.

Return codes:

POST /users/{userid}/features/wrapup/terminate

Invokes to terminate wrap-up manually.

This is a fire-and-forget call, meaning that the API returns immediately after successfully receiving the message without waiting for the status to be processed.

If target user is the authenticated user, no additional authorization is required. If the target user is someone else, authorize with QueueUser.UPDATE

Return codes:

POST /users/{userid}/features/supervision/monitorcall

Invokes supervisor to monitor a call.

This is a fire-and-forget call, meaning that the API returns immediately after successfully receiving the message without waiting for the status to be processed.

If target user has CallSupervise.READ permission then call is authorized.

Return codes:

POST /users/{userid}/features/supervision/assistancerequest

Invokes user to ask supervisor assistans.

This is a fire-and-forget call, meaning that the API returns immediately after successfully receiving the message without waiting for the status to be processed.

If user is self and target user has CallSupervise.READ permission then call is authorized.

Return codes:

POST /users/{userid}/features/supervision/subscriptions

Creates supervision subscription.

If user is self and target user has CallSupervise.READ permission then call is authorized.

Return codes:

PUT /users/{userid}/features/supervision/subscriptions/{subscriptionid}

Updates the supervision subscription. This can be used to update the subscription active status.

If user is self then call is authorized.

Return codes:

GET /users/{userid}/features/supervision/subscriptions

Gets supervision subscriptions for given user.

If user is self then call is authorized.

Return codes:

GET /users/{userid}/features/supervision/subscriptions/{subscriptionid}

Get the supervision subscription for given user.

If user is self then call is authorized.

Return codes:

DELETE /users/{userid}/features/supervision/subscriptions/{subscriptionid}

Deletes the supervision subscription.

If user is self then call is authorized.

Return codes:


This class represents a request for call out activation. There mast be either QueueId or CallbackListId and CallbackRequestId set.

Property name Value type Description
TargetNumber string Required. Target number of the next call out by the user. Helps to verify that correct call will be processed. Note that the number is expected to be provided in E.164 format (+358101231234)
CallbackRequestId Guid Optional: If the call out is related to handling a specific callback request, then (and only then) this must be provided.
CallbackListId Guid Optional: If the call out is related to handling a specific callback request, then (and only then) this must be provided.
QueueId Guid Optional: If the call out is an outbound service call on behalf of a service queue, then (and only then) this must be provided.
CLI string Optional. CLI to use for the call out. If not set, the default CLI of the queue or callback list is used. Setting CLI can be disabled for a queue or callback list, in which case CLI given in request is ignored.
TimeToLive int Optional: How many seconds this request is valid. If no call is received after the specified timeout, the request is dropped as expired Actual usage depends on the use case. If you know that the call will be coming in soon, this should be set to a low value (seconds). If this is a "pre-reservation" of a call that may happen after a while, for example if the user needs to dial manually, then a higher value can be provided.


Property name Value type Description
CorrelationId Guid Correlation id used for the event publish.
Success bool Indicates if the request was success.
CLI string Caller number.
IsRecorded bool Indicates if the call is recorded.
PrePrompt bool Indicates if there will be pre-prompt played before connecting the agent and customer.


Property name Value type Description
Queues List Queues user can use. OutboundQueueConfiguration


Property name Value type Description
QueueId Guid? QueueId
Name string Queue name
Numbers List Queue numbers OutboundQueueNumber
Recorded bool? Will the call be recorded.


Property name Value type Description
Default bool? Default number.
DisplayNumber string Display number.
DisplayName string Display name for the number. Used to help the user choose the right number.


This class represents a request for call allocation

Property name Value type Description
TTLSeconds int The time-to-live (TTL) for the call allocation request, in seconds. Must be between 0 and 60.


Property name Value type Description
RequestId Guid Request id used for the event publish.
AllocationType String Allocation type: allocated = Call allocated, nocalls = No calls to allocate for the agent, agentunavailable = Call could not be allocated following the normal allocation rules(agent was DND, afterwork etc).
Success bool Indicates if the request was success.


This class represents a request for call strong authentication

Property name Value type Description
CallId Guid Id of the call for which the strong authentication is made. Mandatory.
CallerNumber String E.164 format caller number where the strong authetication SMS request is sent. Mandatory.
QueueId Guid? Optional queue id related to requesting the authorization.
CallListId Guid? Optional related call list id when requesting the authorization.


Property name Value type Description
RequestId Guid Request id used for the event publish.
Token String JWT token that is used to fetch the authentication result from the call extra data endpoint. Token is valid for 15 minutes.
Success bool Indicates if the request was success.


Property name Value type Description
ActiveCLI CLINumber Currently active value. CLINumber


Property name Value type Description
DisplayName String Display text for the number
Value String Actual number


Property name Value type Description
AvailableNumbers List List of available numbers. CLINumber


Property name Value type Description
Phonenumber String Requested number. Must be contained in the authorized numbers list.
Permanent bool? If the activation should be permanent instead of time-scoped.


Property name Value type Description
CorrelationId String Correlation id used for the event publish.
Success bool Indicates if the request was success.


Property name Value type Description
CorrelationId String Correlation id used for the event publish.
Success bool Indicates if the request was success.


Property name Value type Description
CallId Guid Call id to monitor.
LegId Guid LegId id to monitor.
SupervisorLegId string Supervisor LegId id for monitoring. Only if known by the supervisor UI.
State int : SupervisionCommand Set the state of the supervision, see below.

SupervisionCommand enum

Key Value Description
NA -1 Not set, unknown
Join 1 Join the call
UnJoin 2 Leave the call supervision
Listen 3
Whisper 4
Participate 5
Select 6 Supervisor selects call for supervision


Property name Value type Description
SupervisorUserId Guid? Supervisor user id to request. If null then request any supervisor.
CallId Guid Call id to monitor.


Property name Value type Description
CorrelationId String Correlation id used for the event publish.
Success bool Indicates if the request was success.


Property name Value type Description
Id Guid Subscription id.
TargetUserId Guid User id to supervise.
SupervisorUserId Guid Supervisor user id.
Active bool? Is subscription active.
Once bool? Specifies if the subscription is for the current call only. Will not be stored in DB but sent through message queue.


Endpoints and data descriptions for implementing WebRTC phone functionality.

GET /users/{userid}/webrtcsettings

Get WebRTC settings for the user.

Authorized with SettingAdministrator.Read on target user.

Return codes:

GET /token/{userid}/webrtc

Generates access tokens to access WebRTC backend.

Requires SettingAdministrator.Read authorization on the target user. If available, access tokens can be created on behalf of others too.

Return codes:


DTO returned to end-user clients

    "SipUriDomain": "",
    "Sipusername": "+3581231234",
    "SipPassword": "pass",
    "Servers": [
        "SipUri": "",
        "TurnServerUri": "",
        "TurnServerUserName": "user",
        "TurnServerUserPassword": "password"
        "SipUri": "",
        "TurnServerUri": "",
        "TurnServerUserName": "user",
        "TurnServerUserPassword": "password"
    "JWTAuthEndpoint": "",
    "JWTValidityPeriod": 60
Property name Value type Description
SipUriDomain string SIP URI domain name associated to the User Agent
SipUsername string User's SIP user name used for registering
SipPassword string Global password (for technical needs)
Servers List<WebRTCServerInfo> Actual list of servers
JWTAuthEndpoint string Relative path to the API endpoint to get the JWT
JWTValidityPeriod int JWT validity period (in seconds)


DTO describing an individual WebRTC server a client can connect to.

Includes TURN server information.

Property name Value type Description
SipUri string WebSocket server URL without the (wss://). Used to send and receive SIP traffic. Example value:
TurnServerUri string TURN server URL (without the turn://). Example value:
TurnServerUserName string TURN server username. Example value: user
TurnServerUserPassword string TURN server password. Example value: password



Object returned from token endpoint.

Property name Value type Description
Token String Generated access token


Token retrieval for WebSocket API (RTE). See more details in RTE documentation.

GET /token/{userid}/rte

Generates access tokens to access RTE.

Note that the token can only be generated for the authenticated user. Generating tokens administratively for other users is not supported.

Return codes:

RTE token response

  "Token": "abcd1234",
  "WSSEndpoint": ""
Property name Value type Description
Token string Base64 encoded JWT token
WSSEndpoint string RTE server endpoint

RTE JWT token structure

JWT token structure for RTE access token.

Example decoded JWT token:

  "b.oid": "1111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
  "b.uid": "2222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222",
  "jti": "33333333-3333-3333-3333-333333333333",
  "nbf": 1697201042,
  "exp": 1697204702,
  "iat": 1697201102,
  "iss": "",
  "aud": ""
Property name Value type Description
b.oid string OrganizationId of the user, for whom token is generated
b.uid string UserId of the user, for whom the token is generated
jti string JWT ID, unique identifier for the token
nbf int Not Before Time as Unix timestamp
exp int Expiration Time as Unix timestamp
iat int Issued Time as Unix timestamp
iss string Issuer, i.e. REST API issued the token
aud string Audience, i.e. rte-endpoint for the user

Token validation

The API exposes configuration that the relying parties must use for validating the JWTs generated by the API.

GET /token/configuration

Returns the token configuration the client can use to validate tokens generated by the API

GET /token/keys

Returns the collection of public signing keys.

Backwards-compatibility endpoint. Prefer the /configuration/ endpoint to receive other relevant configuration as well.


Configuration that the relying parties use for validating JWTs generated by the API.

    "issuer": "",
        "keys": [
                "alg": "RS256",
                "e": "AQAB",
                "kid": "80563dcf-5b21-4291-8bbf-c00706b6bc9f",
                "kty": "RSA",
                "n": "3C3jnwuFNmrfQ7CsUAZPjAeeRJLNRbF0GH4ZGlWrOEH3mcaz7uGqcE1fDZD9h2geEQH9g8lxV51T1Mul7ZGfj-920-4dQANcUqJQfSpiwyezfFhmrxQKvfRYQgGXHewVwMusc6o3O7hkOAxUS_Qtnc_umWbV3zrmzLBpTubtqP06mltNfXTbuOatTgv4u8jCC3XPfeHzu6Re5vYdtgxpD7QKGb9vFI4GAVBnx6rgaerubuphNMEUhjRgdg1Svd3NxrgUmQ46qaAk2C426bCCaYDJIo4uPIugMr096Rrb1ojp2GGidx94Zw3kAsuT4rEFDfMVOJ-s4hlHJNllt04p9Q"

Property name Value type Description
issuer string The issuer name to expect for received tokens
keyset PublicJWKSet The keyset used for token signature validation


Property name Value type Description
keys List<JWK> Set of public keys to validate the token signature. The format follows RFC 7517 (


Public key

Property name Value type Description
kid string Key identifier
alg string Algorithm to use (e.g. RSA256)
kty string Key type: Always RSA
e string Key exponent for RSA keys. Part of public key.
n string Key modulus for RSA keys. Part of public key.